622 Adrian B. Mann
Vickers pyramid, the opposite sides of which make an 136
angle. For both the
Vickers and Berkovich pyramids the cross-sectional area of the pyramid’s base, A,
is related to the pyramid’s height, D, by:
A = 24.5D
. (12.13)
The cube-corner geometry is now widely used for making very small nanoin-
dentations, because it is much sharper than the Berkovich pyramid. This makes it
easier to initiate plastic deformation at very light loads, but great care should be
taken when using the cube-corner geometry. Sharp cube-corners can wear down
quickly and become blunt, hence the cross-sectional area as a function of depth can
change over the course of several indentations. There is also a potential problem
with the standard analysis routines [56], which were developed for much blunter
geometries and are based on the elastic contact models outlined earlier. The elas-
tic contact models all assume the displacement into the surface is small compared
to the tip radius. For the cube-corner geometry this is probably only the case for
nanoindentationsthat are no more than a few nanometers deep.
12.3.5 Analyzing Load/Displacement Curves
The load/displacement curves obtained during nanoindentation testing are decep-
tively simple. Most newcomers to the area will see the curves as being somewhat
akin to the stress/strain curves obtained during tensile testing. There is also a real
temptation just to use the values of hardness, H, and elastic modulus, E, obtained
from standard analysis software packages as the “true” values. This may be the
case in many instances, but for very shallow nanoindents and tests on thin films the
geometry of the contact can differ significantly from the geometry assumed in the
analysis routines. Consequently, experimentalists should think very carefully about
the test itself before concluding that the values of H and E are correct.
The basic shape of a load/displacement curve can reveal a great deal about the
type of material being tested. Figure 12.12 shows some examples of ideal curves
for materials with different elastic moduli and yield stresses. Discontinuities in the
load/displacementcurve can alsoprovideinformation on such processes as fracture,
dislocationnucleation,and phasetransformations.Initially, though,we will consider
ideal situations such as those illustrated by Fig. 12.12.
Theloadingsectionof theload/displacementcurveapproximatesa parabola[57]
whose width depends on a combination of the material’s elastic and plastic proper-
ties. The unloading curve, however, has been shown to follow a more general rela-
tionship [56] of the form:
P = α
δ −δ
, (12.14)
where δ is the total displacement and δ
is the intercept of the unloading curve with
the displacement axis shown in Fig. 12.13.
Equation (12.14) is essentially the same as (12.9) but with the origin displaced.
Since (12.9) is obtained by considering purely elastic deformation, it follows that