24 Structural, Nanomechanical, and Nanotribological Characterization 1459
The film thickness and adhesive force were also measured at different tempera-
tures [13]. Figure 24.76 summarizes the data for virgin, damaged, and conditioner
treated hair at those temperatures. Temperature has little effect on the film thickness
of virgin or damaged hair in the temperature range studied. Conditioner treated hair
has thicker film compared to virgin or damaged hair. As temperature increases, the
thickness of conditioner layer starts to decrease. At high temperature, conditioner
layer will eventually lose all water content. In the studied temperature range, there
is little effect on adhesive force of various hair surfaces.
24.7.2 Effective Young’s Modulus Mapping
The adhesive force as well as the total force acting on the tip at each measure-
ment point can be accurately measured from the force calibration plot. If the zero
tip-sample separation is defined to be the position where the force on the tip is
zero when in contact with the sample, the force calibration plot (cantilever deflec-
tion vs. piezo position plot as shown in Fig. 24.21) can be converted to a force vs.
tip-sample separation curve [27]. Figure 24.77a shows the forces acting on the tip
as a function of tip-sample separation for virgin, commercial conditioner (PDMS
blend silicone) treated, and experimental conditioner (with amino silicone) treated
hair. The lowest point on the approach curve is assumed to be the point that the
tip contacts the hair surface. Afterward, the hair surface deforms elastically under
the load, from which the deformation (indentation Δz) of the surface can be ex-
tracted. Plotting the obtained deformation (indentation Δz) against the total force
(on approach curve) acting on surface, gives force vs. indentation (deformation)
curves. Figure 24.77b shows the force vs. indentation curves for virgin, commercial
conditioner treated and experimental conditioner (amino silicone) treated hair sur-
face which are extracted from the force vs. tip-sample separation curves shown in
Fig. 24.77a, and the effective Young’s modulus of various hair surfaces can be de-
termined from these curves by fitting them to (24.2). The effective Young’s modulus
of virgin, commercial conditioner treated and experimental conditioner treated hair
surface are 5.3 ±0.9GPa, 0.60±0.03 GPa and 0.032±0.002GPa respectively for
these three specific curves. For these calculations, the radius of the tip is measured
to be approximately 100nm. The effective Young’s modulus of conditioner treated
hair surface can be one to two orders of magnitude less than that of virgin hair.
Repeating these calculations over the whole surface on various hair samples,
the maps of the effective Young’s modulus of various hair surfaces are obtained
as shown in Fig. 24.76. Virgin hair surface has the effective Young’s modulus of
about 7.1±2.9GPa, which is the most stiff among all the samples and is consistent
with previous nanoindentation measurement results [90]. The rich in the disulfide
crosslinks on the outermost layer of the hair surface accounts for this stiffness; the
effective Young’s modulus of chemically damaged hair surface (6.6±3.3GPa) is
slightly smaller than that of virgin hair surface. The chemical treatment partially
breaks the disulfide crosslinks in the outermos
layer of the hair surface, and weak-
ens the hair surface. Commercialconditioner treatedhair surfacetends to havemuch
smaller effective Young’s modulus than that of chemically damaged hair surface