24 Structural, Nanomechanical, and Nanotribological Characterization 1439
24.6.3 Scale Effects
Directionality Dependence of Friction
Human hair has been shown in the past to have a directionality friction effect on
the macroscale, making it easier to travel over the hair surface from root-to-tip than
in the opposite direction due to the tile-like orientation of cuticles [10, 68]. The
outer surface of human hair is composed of numerous cuticle scales running along
the fiber axis, generally stacked on top of each other. As previously discussed, the
heights of these step changes are approximately 300nm. These large changes in to-
pographymake the cuticle an ideal surfacefor investigating thedirectionality effects
of friction [47]. The first row of Fig. 24.69a displays a low resolution SEM micro-
graph and a friction profile for macroscale coefficient of friction measurements.
Note that this data is taken for measurements where multiple fibers are in contact
with the synthetic skin upper specimen at the same time, and does not correspond
directlywith the SEM micrograph.With an applied normalload of 50 mN and 3mm
travel, it is observed that the friction force produced when scanning from root-to-
tip (referred to as “along cuticle”) is lower than that when scanning against cuticle.
This is a direct consequence of the literally thousands of scale edges which come
in contact with the synthetic skin. When traveling against cuticle, these edges act as
tiny resistors to motion as they are forced backwards and uplifted from their inter-
face with the underlying cuticle layers. The resistance to motion of so many cuticle
edges at the same time becomes “additive” and results in higher values of friction,
correspondingto higher coefficient of friction than when traveling along cuticle. For
along cuticle travel, these edges are forced downward against the underlying cuticle
layers so that the resistance effect of these edges is limited, which results in lower
friction values.
The second row of Fig. 24.69a shows an AFM height map corresponding to the
microscale friction profile shown to its right. (These measurements were made us-
ing an AFM tip mounted with 4µm radius silica ball.) Due to the size of the hair,
it was only possible to capture a rectangular height map as shown. It is evident that
the 100µm travel results in the involvement of several cuticle scales. The applied
normal load for the microscale frictionprofile (about 20nN) is significantlyreduced
from that of the macroscale value, which consequently yields much lower friction
forces. In the along cuticle direction, we can see small fluctuations in the friction
data over the scan distance. These are caused by local variations in surface rough-
ness, system noise, and changes due to traveling over the scale edges. However,
when scanning against the cuticle, distinctly large spikes in the data are observed
at roughly 5–10µm intervals. This is clearly the effects of the scale edges coming
in contact with the AFM microscale tip and causing local collisions and ratcheting
of the tip. Because of the sign convention of the AFM that causes a reversal in the
sign when traversing the opposite direction,this signal is now observed to be highly
negative. These edge effects are hence the primary item responsible for the higher
friction and coefficient of friction observed in the against cuticle direction.