24 Structural, Nanomechanical, and Nanotribological Characterization 1447
macroscale and slightly different than that observed on the microscale. The menis-
cus bridges in the treated hair require more force to break through than with un-
treated hair, which causes the coefficient of friction to be similar to the untreated
value, instead of experiencing a significant decrease which is traditionally expected.
Damaged hair shows a much higher coefficient of friction, and with more variation
in the values since the chemical damage varies throughout each individual fiber.
Contrary to the virgin and virgin treated hair nanoscale results, coefficient of fric-
tion for damaged hair decreased with application of conditioner treatment (both 1
and 3 cycles), which agrees well with macro- and microscale trends.
There are several reasons that nanoscale coefficient of friction trends for virgin
treated and chemically damaged treated hair are different. The effect of chemical
damage plays a large role. It is widely known that the cuticle surface of any hair
is negatively charged. This charge becomes even more negative with the applica-
tion of chemical damage to the hair. As a result, the positively charged particles of
conditioner have even stronger attraction to the chemically damaged surface, which
explainsthe increased presence of conditionerwhen compared to virgintreated hair.
With the application of three conditioner cycles on damaged hair, there is an even
more uniform placement of the conditioner. This leads to high adhesiveforce due to
meniscus effect (similar to that of virgin treated hair) but more importantly, lower
shear strength on the surface. This creates an overall effect of lubrication as the
tip travels across the cuticle surface and ultimately lowers the coefficient of fric-
Another reason for the difference in nanoscale trends between virgin and chem-
ically damaged hair may have to do with drastic differences in hydrophobicity of
the two hair types. Virgin hair has been shown to be hydrophobic,with a contactan-
gle around 100° (Table 24.11). Chemically damaged hair, however, is hydrophilic,
with a contact angle around70°. The conditioner gel network is primarily composed
of water, together with fatty alcohols, cationic surfactants, and silicones. Thus, the
hydrophobicity of the hair will be relevant to not only how much conditioner is
deposited, but also how it diffuses into the hair and bonds to the hair surface. For
virgin treated hair, the conditioner deposits in certain locations, especially near the
cuticle edge, but due to the hydrophobicity of the cuticle, it does not spread out as
readily as with chemically damaged hair. For chemically damaged hair, the condi-
tioner spreads out a bit more uniformly and in more places over the cuticle surface
due to both the hydrophilicity and the stronger negative charge which attracts more
conditionerdeposition.Thus, as the tip scansoverthe virgin treatedsurface, thecon-
ditioner does not smear as readily, causing the tip to break the tiny meniscus bridges
formed with the conditioner. This results in increased adhesive force, which con-
tributes to higher friction force. This ends ups increasing the coefficient of friction
to about the same level as the untreated virgin hair, instead of a reduction in coeffi-
cient which is typically expected for a lubricated surface. In the case of chemically
damaged hair, however, the conditioner layer is already more spread out, especially
in the case of 3 cycles of treatment. As the tip scans over the surface, the over-
all effect is one of reduced shear strength, i.e. the conditioner layer, albeit not fully