1182 Bharat Bhushan
21.6 Indentation
21.6.1 Picoscale Indentation
Bhushanand Ruan[15]measured indentability of magnetic tapes at increasing loads
on a picoscale, Fig. 21.43. In this figure, the vertical axis represents the cantilever tip
deflection and the horizontal axis represents the vertical position (Z)ofthesample.
The “extending” and “retracting” curves correspond to the sample being moved to-
ward or away from the cantilever tip, respectively. In this experiment, as the sample
surface approaches the AFM tip fraction of a nm away from the sample (point A),
the cantilever bends toward the sample (part B) because of attractive forces between
the tip and sample. As we continue the forward position of the sample, it pushes
the cantilever back through its original rest position (point of zero applied load) en-
tering the repulsive region (or loading portion) of the force curve. As the sample is
retracted, the cantilever deflection decreases. At point D in the retracting curve, the
sample is disengaged from the tip. Before the disengagement, the tip is pulled to-
ward the sample after the zero deflection point of the force curve (point C) because
of attractive forces (van der Waals forces and longer range meniscus forces). A thin
layer of liquid, such as liquid lubricant and condensations of water vapor from am-
bient, will give rise to capillary forces that act to draw the tip towards sample at
small separations. The horizontal shift between the loading and unloading curves
results from the hysteresis in the PZT tube.
The left portion of the curve shows the tip deflection as a function of the sample
traveling distance during sample–tip contact, which would be equal to each other
for a rigid sample. However, if the tip indents into the sample, the tip deflection
would be less than the sample traveling distance, or in other words, the slope of the
line would be less than 1. In Fig. 21.43, we note that line in the left portion of the
figure is curved with a slope of less than 1 shortly after the sample touches the tip,
which suggests that the tip has indented the sample. Later, the slope is equal to 1
suggesting that the tip no longer indents the sample. This observation indicates that
the tape surface is soft locally (polymer rich) but it is hard (as a result of magnetic
Tip deflection (6 nm/div)
Z position (15 nm/div)
Fig. 21.43. Tip deflection
(normal force) as a function of
Z (separation distance) curve
for a metal-particle (MP)
tape. The spring constant
of the cantilever used was
0.4N/m [15]