21 Micro/Nanotribology and Micro/Nanomechanics of Magnetic Storage Devices 1145
100nN and the final scans at 10nN. Therefore any changes in the topography be-
tween the initial scans at 10nN and the scans at 100nN (or the final scans at 10nN)
are believed to occur as a result of local deformation of the sample surface. In pi-
coindentation studies, the sample is loaded in contact with the tip. During load-
ing, tip deflection (normal force) is measured as a function of vertical position of
the sample. For a rigid sample, the tip deflection and the sample traveling distance
(when the tip and sample come into contact) are equal. Any decrease in the tip de-
flection as compared to vertical position of the sample represents indentation. To
ensure that the curvature in the tip deflection-sample traveling distance curve does
not arise from PZT hysteresis, measurements on several rigid samples, including
single-crystal natural diamond (IIa), were made by Bhushan and Ruan [15]. No cur-
vature was noticed for the case of rigid samples. This suggests that any curvature
for other samples should arise from the indentation of the sample.
For microscale scratching, microscale wear and nanoscale indentation hardness
measurements, a three-sided pyramidal single-crystal natural diamond tip with an
apex angle of 80
and a tip radius of about 100nm (determined by scanning elec-
tronmicroscopyimaging)(Fig. 21.7)is usedat relativelyhigh loads (1µN–150µN).
The diamond tip is mounted on a stainless steel cantilever beam with normal stiff-
ness of about 25N/m [16–19]. For scratching and wear studies, the sample is gen-
erally scanned in a direction orthogonal to the long axis of the cantilever beam
(typically at a rate of 0.5 Hz). For wear studies, typically an area of 2 µm× 2 µm
is scanned at various normal loads (ranging from 1 to 100µN) for selected number
of cycles. Scratching can also be performed at ramped loads [20]. For nanoinden-
tation hardness measurements, the scan size is set to zero and then normal load is
applied to make the indents. During this procedure, the diamond tip is continuously
pressed against the sample surface for about two seconds at various indentation
loads. Sample surface is scanned before and after the scratching, wear, or nanoin-
dentation, to obtain the initial and the final surface topography, at a low normal load
of about 0.3 µN using the same diamond tip. An area larger than the scratched, worn
or indentation region is scanned to observe the scratch, wear scars, or indentation
marks. Nanohardness is calculated by dividing the indentation load by the projected
residual area of the indents [17]. Nanohardness and Young’s modulus of elastic-
ity (stiffness) at shallow depths as low as 5 nm are measured using a depth-sensing
capacitance transducer system in an AFM [19].
Indentation experiments provide a single-point measurement of the Young’s
modulus of elasticity (stiffness), localized surface elasticity as well as phase con-
trast maps (to obtain viscoelastic properties map) can be obtained using dynamic
force microscopy in which an oscillating tip is scanned over the sample surface in
contact under steady and oscillating load [21–24]. Recently, a torsional resonance
(TR) mode has been introduced [25, 26] which provides higher resolution. Stiff-
ness and phase contrast maps can provide magnetic particle/polymer distributions
in magnetic tapes as well as lubricant film thickness distribution.
Boundary lubrication studies are conducted using either Si
or diamond tips
[27–30]. The coefficient of friction is monitored as a function of sliding cycles.