1118 B. Bhushan
is due to the difference between simulated fiber model and real gecko setae model.
Gecko setae are composed of three-level hierarchicalstructure in practice, so higher
adhesion can be generated than a single-level model [20,55,56]. Given the simpli-
fication in the fiber model, this simulation result is very close to the experimental
20.8 Fabrication of Biomimetric Gecko Skin
On the basis of studies found in the literature, the dominant adhesion mechanism
utilized by geckos and other spider attachment systems appears to be van der Waals
forces. The complex divisions of the gecko skin (lamellae-setae-branches-spatulae)
enable a large real area of contact between the gecko skin and mating surface.
Hence, a hierarchical fibrillar micro/nanostructure is desirable for dry, superadhe-
sive tapes. The development of nanofabricated surfaces capable of replicating this
adhesion force developed in nature is limited by current fabrication methods. Many
different techniqueshavebeen used in an attempt to create [32,64,65,82,96,97]and
characterize [19,37,68] bio-inspired adhesive tapes.
Gorb et al. [37] and Bhushan and Sayer [19] characterized two polyvinylsilox-
ane (PVS) samples from Gottlieb Binder Inc., Holzgerlingen, Germany: one con-
sisting of mushroom-shaped pillars (Fig. 20.24a) and the other sample was an un-
structured control surface (Fig. 20.24b). The structured sample is inspired by the
micropatterns found in the attachment systems of male beetles from the family
chrysomelidae,and are easier to fabricate.Both sexes possess adhesivehairs on their
tarsi, however, males bear hair extremely specialized for adhesion on the smooth
surface of female’s covering wings during mating. The hairs have broad flattened
tip with grooves under the tip to provide flexibility. The structured samples were
produced at room temperature by pouring two-compound polymerizing PVS into
the holed template lying on a smooth glass support. The fabricated sample is com-
prised of pillars that are arranged in a hexagonal order to allow maximum packing
density. They are approximately 100µm in height, 60µm in base diameter, 35µm
in middle diameter and 25 µm in diameter at the narrowed region just below the
terminal contact plates. These plates were of about 40µm in diameter and 2µ min
thickness at the lip edges. The adhesion force of the two samples in contact with
a smooth flat glass substrate was measured by Gorb et al. [37] using a home-made
microtribometer. Results revealed that the structured specimens featured an adhe-
sion force more than twice that of the unstructured specimens. The adhesion force
was also found to be independentof the preload. Moreover, it was found that the ad-
hesive force of the structured sample was more tolerant to contamination compared
to the control and it could be easily cleaned with a soap solution.
Bhushan and Sayer [19] characterized the surface roughness, friction force, and
contact angle of the structured sample and compared the results to an unstructured
control.As shown in Fig. 20.25a, the macroscalecoefficient of kinetic friction of the
structured sample was found to be almost four times greater than the unstructured
sample. This increase was determined to be a result of the structured roughness