1102 B. Bhushan
2.4 times larger than that for the one-level model, respectively, but adhesion energy
decreases rapidly at surfaces with σ greater than 0.05µm; and in every model it fi-
nally decreases to zero at surfaces with σ greater than 10µm. The adhesion energy
for the three-level model with 0.1 k
is 2–3 times higher than that for three-level
In order to demonstrate the effect of the hierarchical structure on adhesion en-
hancement, Kim and Bhushan [55] calculated the increases in the adhesion coeffi-
cient, the number of contacts, and the adhesion energy of the two-, three- and three-
level (with 0.1 k
) models relative to one-level model. These results are shown in
the right side of Fig. 20.15b. It was found for the two- and three-level models, rel-
ative increase of the adhesion coefficient increases slowly with an increase of σnd
has the maximum values of about 70% and 80% at σ1 µm, respectively, and then
decreases for surfaces with σgreater than 3µm. On the whole, at the applied load
of 1.6µN, the effect of the variation of σn the adhesion enhancement for both two-
and three-levelmodels is not so large. However, the relative increase of the adhesion
coefficient for the three-level model with 0.1 k
has the maximum value of about
170% at σ1µm, which shows significant adhesion enhancement. Due to the relative
increase of adhesion energy, the three-level model with 0.1 k
shows significant
adhesion enhancement.
Figure 20.16 shows the variation of adhesion force and adhesion energy as
a function of applied load for both one- and three-level models contacting with sur-
face with σ = 1 µm. It is shown that as the applied load increases, the adhesion force
increases up to a certain applied load and then has a constant value, whereas, adhe-
sion energy continuesto increase with an increase in the applied load. The one-level
model has a maximum value of adhesion force per unit length of about 3µN/mm at
the applied load of 10µN, and the three-level model has a maximum value of about
7 µN/mm at the applied load of 16 µN. However, the adhesion coefficient continues
to decrease at higher applied loads because adhesion force is constant even if the
applied load increases.
The simulation results for the three-level model, which is close to gecko se-
tae, presented in Fig. 20.15 show that roughness reduces the adhesion force. At the
surface with σ greater than 10µm, adhesion force by gecko weight cannot support
itself. However, in practice, a gecko can cling or crawl on the surface of ceiling
with higher roughness. Kim and Bhushan [55] did not consider the effect of lamel-
lae in their study. The authors state that the lamellae can adapt to the waviness of
surface while the setae allow for the adaptation to micro- or nano-roughness and
expect that adding the lamellae of gecko skin to the model would lead to higher
adhesion over a wider range of roughness. In addition, their hierarchicalmodel con-
siders onlynormal to surface deformationand motion of seta. It shouldbe noted that
measurements of adhesion force of a single gecko seta made by Autumn et al. [6]
demonstrated that a load applied normal to the surface was insufficient for an effec-
tive attachment of seta. The lateral force required to pull parallel to the surface was
observed by sliding the seta approximately 5µm laterally along the surface under