2 Scanning Probe Microscopy 69
Since the vertical position of the piezo tube is affected by the topographic profile
of the sample surface in addition to the friction force being applied at the tip, this
difference must be found point-by-pointat the same location on the sample surface,
as shown in Fig. 2.21. Subtraction of point-by-point measurements may introduce
errors, particularly for rough samples. We will come back to this point later. In
addition, precise measurements of L and (which should include the cantilever
angle) are also required.
If the adhesive force between the tip and the sample is large enough that it can-
not be neglected, it should be included in the calculation. However, determinations
of this force can involve large uncertainties, which is introduced into (2.5). An al-
ternative approach is to make the measurements at different normal loads and to use
) in (2.5). Another comment on (2.5) is that, since only the
ratio between (ΔH
enters this equation, the vertical position of the
piezo tube H
and the difference in position (ΔH
) can be in volts as long
as the vertical travel of the piezo tube and the voltage applied to have a linear rela-
tionship. However, if there is a large nonlinearity between the piezo tube traveling
distance and the applied voltage, this nonlinearity must be included in the calcula-
Itshould also bepointedout that(2.4)and (2.5)are derivedunderthe assumption
that the friction force W
is the same for the two scanning directions of the sample.
This is an approximation, since the normal force is slightly different for the two
scans and the friction may be direction-dependent.However, this difference is much
smaller than W
itself. We can ignore the second-order correction.
Method 2 (“aux” mode with perpendicular scan) of measuring friction was sug-
gested by Meyer and Amer [8]. The sampleis scanned perpendicularto the long axis
of the cantilever beam (along the x-or−x-direction in Fig. 2.19a) and the outputs
from the two horizontal quadrants of the photodiode detector are measured. In this
arrangement,as the sample movesunder the tip,the frictionforce will causethe can-
tilever to twist. Therefore, the light intensity between the left and right (L and R in
Fig. 2.19b, right) detectors will be different. The differential signal between the left
and right detectors is denoted the FFM signal [(L−R)/(L+ R)]. This signal can be
relatedto the degreeof twisting,and hence to the magnitudeof friction force.Again,
because possible errors in measurements of the normal force due to the presence of
adhesive force at the tip–sample interface, the slope of the friction data (FFM signal
vs. normal load) needs to be measured for an accurate value of the coefficient of
While friction force contributes to the FFM signal, friction force may not be the
only contributing factor in commercial FFM instruments (for example, NanoScope
IV). One can see this if we simply engange the cantilever tip with the sample. The
left and right detectors can be balanced beforehand by adjusting the positions of the
detectors so that the intensity difference between these two detectors is zero (FFM
signal is zero). Once the tip is engaged with the sample, this signal is no longer zero,
even if the sample is not moving in the xy-plane with no friction force applied. This