48 Bharat Bhushan and Othmar Marti
maintains the force or force derivative at a constant value. Using an AFM oper-
ated in the contact mode, topographic images with a vertical resolution of less than
0.1nm(aslowas0.01nm) and a lateral resolution of about 0.2nm have been ob-
tained [3,50,110–114]. Forces of 10 nN to 1 pN are measurable with a displacement
sensitivity of 0.01nm. These forces are comparable to the forces associated with
chemical bonding, for example 0.1µN for an ionic bond and 10pN for a hydrogen
bond [2]. For further reading, see [94–96,100,102,115–119].
Lateral forces applied at the tip during scanning in the contact mode affect
roughness measurements [120]. To minimize the effects of friction and other lat-
eral forces on topography measurements in the contact mode, and to measure the
topographies of soft surfaces, AFMs can be operated in the so-called tapping or
force modulation mode [32,121].
The STM is ideal for atomic-scale imaging. To obtain atomic resolution with
the AFM, the spring constant of the cantilever should be weaker than the equivalent
spring between atoms. For example, the vibration frequencies ω of atoms bound
in a molecule or in a crystalline solid are typically 10
Hz or higher. Combining
this with an atomic mass m of approximately 10
kg gives an interatomic spring
constant k,givenbyω
m, of around 10N/m [115]. (For comparison, the spring
constant of a piece of household aluminiumfoil that is 4 mm long and 1mm wide is
about 1 N/m.) Therefore, a cantilever beam with a spring constant of about 1N/m
or lower is desirable. Tips must be as sharp as possible, and tip radii of 5 to 50nm
are commonly available.
Atomic resolution cannot be achieved with these tips at normal loads in the nN
range. Atomic structures at these loads have been obtained from lattice imaging or
by imaging the crystal’s periodicity. Reported data show either perfectly ordered
periodic atomic structures or defects on a larger lateral scale, but no well-defined,
laterally resolved atomic-scale defects like those seen in images routinely obtained
with a STM. Interatomic forces with one or several atoms in contact are 20–40 or
50–100 pN,respectively.Thus, atomicresolutionwith anAFM is onlypossiblewith
a sharp tip on a flexible cantilever at a net repulsive force of 100pN or lower [122].
Upon increasing the force from 10pN, Ohnesorge and Binnig [122] observed that
monoatomic steplines were slowly wiped away and a perfectly ordered structure
was left. This observation explains why mostly defect-free atomic resolution has
been observed with AFM. Note that for atomic-resolution measurements, the can-
tilever should not be so soft as to avoid jumps. Further note that performing meas-
urementsin the noncontactimaging mode maybe desirablefor imaging with atomic
The key component in an AFM is the sensor used to measure the force on the
tip due to its interaction with the sample. A cantilever (with a sharp tip) with an
extremely low spring constant is required for high vertical and lateral resolutions
at small forces (0.1nN or lower), but a high resonant frequency is desirable (about
10 to 100 kHz) at the same time in order to minimize the sensitivity to building vi-
brations, which occur at around 100Hz. This requires a spring with an extremely
low vertical spring constant (typically 0.05 to 1N/m) as well as a low mass (on the