2 Scanning Probe Microscopy 51
We describe here two commercial AFMs – small-sample and large-sample
AFMs – for operation in the contact mode, produced by Digital Instruments, Inc.,
with scanning lengths ranging from about 0.7µm (for atomic resolution) to about
125µm [9,111,114,136].The originaldesign of these AFMscomes from Meyer and
Amer [53]. Basically, the AFM scans the sample in a raster pattern while outputting
the cantilever deflection error signal to the control station. The cantilever deflec-
tion (or the force) is measured using a laser deflection technique (Fig. 2.9). The
DSP in the workstation controls the z position of the piezo based on the cantilever
deflection error signal. The AFM operates in both “constant height” and “constant
force” modes. The DSP always adjusts the distance between the sample and the tip
according to the cantilever deflection error signal, but if the feedback gains are low
the piezo remains at an almost “constant height” and the cantilever deflection data is
collected. With high gains, the piezo height changesto keepthe cantilever deflection
nearly constant (so the force is constant),and the change in piezo height is collected
by the system.
In the operation of a commercial small-sample AFM (as shown in Fig. 2.9a),
the sample (which is generally no larger than 10mm×10mm) is mounted on a PZT
tube scanner, which consists of separate electrodes used to precisely scan the sam-
ple in the x–y plane in a raster pattern and to move the sample in the vertical (z)
direction. A sharp tip at the free end of a flexible cantilever is brought into contact
with the sample. Features on the sample surface cause the cantilever to deflect in the
vertical and lateral directions as the sample moves under the tip. A laser beam from
a diode laser (5mW max peak output at 670nm) is directed by a prism onto the
back of a cantilever near its free end, tilted downward at about 10
with respect to
the horizontal plane. The reflected beam from the vertex of the cantilever is directed
through a mirror onto a quad photodetector (split photodetector with four quad-
rants) (commonly called a position-sensitive detector or PSD, produced by Silicon
Detector Corp., Camarillo, CA, USA). The difference in signal between the top and
bottom photodiodes provides the AFM signal, which is a sensitive measure of the
cantilever vertical deflection. The topographic features of the sample cause the tip
to deflect in the vertical direction as the sample is scanned under the tip. This tip
deflection will change the direction of the reflected laser beam, changing the inten-
sity difference between the top and bottom sets of photodetectors (AFM signal). In
a mode of operationcalled the height mode,used for topographicimaging or for any
other operation in which the normal forceapplied is to be kept constant, a feedback
circuit is used to modulate the voltage applied to the PZT scanner in order to adjust
the height of the PZT, so that the cantileververtical deflection (givenby the intensity
difference between the top and bottom detector) will remain constant during scan-
ning. The PZT height variation is thus a direct measure of the surface roughness of
the sample.
In a large-sample AFM, force sensors based on optical deflection methods or
scanning units are mounted on the microscope head (Fig. 2.9b). Because of the un-
wanted vibrations caused by cantilever movement, the lateral resolution of this de-
sign is somewhat poorer than the design in Fig. 2.9a in which the sample is scanned