shown that the pearlite nodules nucleating on clean austenite boundaries exhibit
the Pitsch/Petch relationship.The pearliticferrite is related to theaustenite grain
(Fig. 3.15) into which it is not growing. The relationship is always close to the
Kurdjumov–Sachs relationship. Also the pearlitic cementite is related to austen-
ite grain γ
, by a relationship found by Pitsch for Widmanstätten cementite in
austenite. Both the pearlitic cementite and ferrite are unrelated to austenite
grain, γ
In contrast,the Bagaryatski relationship is found to hold for pearlite nodules
nucleated on hyper-eutectoid cementite, usually formed at the austenite grain
boundaries. In this case, the pearlitic cementite is related to austenite grain γ
the Pitsch relationship for Widmanstätten cementite, while the pearlitic ferrite
is not related to grain γ
. Clearly the grain boundary cementite shields the newly
formed ferrite from any contact with γ
. It also follows that the grain boundary
cementite and the pearlitic cementite are continuous, i.e. of the same orienta-
tion. Again, neither the pearlitic ferrite or cementite are related to austenite
grain γ
It is, therefore, predicted that Pitsch/Petch-type colonies predominate as the
true eutectoid composition is approached, whereas Bagaryatski-type colonies
should prevail at higher carbon levels. It is also likely that the Bagaryatski
relationship will become more dominant in hypo-eutectoid steels as the carbon
level is reduced, but this has not yet been conclusively proved.
3.5.3 The kinetics of pearlite formation
The formation of pearlite is a good example of a nucleation and growth process.
The pearlite nucleates at preferred sites in the austenite and the nuclei then
grow until they impinge on each other.The process is both time and temperature
dependent, as it is controlled by the diffusivity of the relevant atoms. Johnson
and Mehl first applied adetailed analysisof nucleationand growth to the pearlite
reaction, which assumed that the fraction of austenite transformed (X ) could
be expressed in terms of a rate of nucleation
N defined as the number of nuclei
per unit volume of untransformed austenite formed per second, and a rate of
growth of these nuclei G, expressed as radial growth in cm s
. They made
certain simplifying assumptions of which the most significant were:
1. Nucleation was regarded as a random event.
2. The rate of nucleation
N was assumed to be constant with time.
3. The rate of growth G was assumed to be constant with time.
4. The nuclei were regarded as spherical and in due course impinged on
neighbouring spheres.
An expression was obtained for the fraction of austenite transformed X,in
time t:
X = 1 − e
. (3.9)