For comparison purposes the breaking strength of a very small carbon
nanotube has been measured to be about 130,000 MN m
; this number is so
astonishing that it has led to exaggerated statements about their potential in
structural applications. For example, the tubes are said to be a hundred times
stronger than steel; in fact, there is no carbon tube which can match the strength
of iron beyond a scale of 2 mm, because of the inevitable defects which arise as
the tubes are grown.
The lesson from this is that systems which rely on perfection in order to
achieve strength necessarily fail on scaling to engineering dimensions. Since
perfection is thermodynamically impossible to achieve in large samples, steels
must in practice be made stronger by other means which are insensitive to
size. The mechanisms by which the strength can be increased will be discussed –
suffice it to state here that it is possible to commercially buy steel with a strength
of 5500 MN m
, with sufficient ductility to ensure safe application. Some of
the methods by which such impressive combinations of properties are achieved
without compromising safetywill be discussed,before thewide range ofcomplex
structures which determine the properties is dealt with.
At least three allotropes of iron occur naturally in bulk form, body-centred
cubic (bcc, α, ferrite), face-centred cubic (fcc, γ, austenite) and hexagonal close-
packed (hcp, ǫ). The phase β in the alphabetical sequence α, β, γ, δ...is missing
because the magnetic transition in ferrite was at one time incorrectly thought
to be the β allotrope of iron. In fact, there are magnetic transitions in all of the
allotropes of iron. The phase diagram for pure iron is illustrated in Fig. 1.1. Each
point on any boundary between the phase fields represents an equilibrium state
in which two phases can coexist. The triple point where the three boundaries
intersect represents an equilibrium between all three phases which coexist. It
is seen that in pure iron, the hcp form is stable only at very large pressures,
consistent with its high density. The best comparison of the relative densities of
the phases is made at the triple point where the allotropes are in equilibrium
and where the sum of all the volume changes is zero:
V(bcc → hcp) =−0.34
V(hcp → ccp) =+0.13
V(ccp → bcc) =+0.21
There may exist a fourth natural allotrope in the core of the earth, where the
pressure reaches some three million times that at the surface and where the tem-
perature is estimated to be about 6000
C.The core of the earth is predominantly
iron, and consists of a solid inner core surrounded by a liquid outer core. Know-
ledge of the core is uncertain, but it has been suggested that the crystal structure
of the solid core may be double hcp, although calculations which assume pure
iron,indicate that theǫ-iron remainsthe moststable underinner-core conditions.