value, operates a new source in that grain. In this way, the yielding process is
propagated from grain to grain. This can be observed macroscopically by the
passage of a Luders band. The grain size determines the distance dislocations
have to move to form grain boundary pile-ups, and thus the number of disloca-
tions involved. With large grain sizes, the pile-ups will contain larger numbers
of dislocations which will in turn cause higher stress concentrations in neigh-
bouring grains. The shear stress τ
at the head of a dislocation pile-up is equal
to nτ, where n is the number of dislocations involved and τ is the shear stress
on the slip plane. This means that the coarser the grain size, the easier it will be
to propagate the yielding process.
In practical terms, the finer the grain size, the higher the resulting yield stress
and, as a result, in modern steel working much attention is paid to the final fer-
rite grain size. While a coarse grain size of d
=2, i.e. d =0.25 mm, gives a
yield stress in mild steels of around 100 MN m
, grain refinement to d
i.e. d =0.0025 mm, raises the yield stress to over 500 MN m
, so that achieving
grain sizes in the range 2–10 µm is extremely worthwhile. Over the last 40 years,
developments in rolling practice and the addition of small concentrations of
particular alloying elements to mild steels, have resulted in dramatic improve-
ments in the mechanical properties of this widely used engineering material
(Chapter 9).
2.5.2 Nanostructured steels
Modern technologies allow steels to be made routinely and in large quantities
with grain sizes of about 1 µm. Limited processes, generally involving severe
thermomechanical processing, have been developed to achieve nanostructured
ferrite grains in steel, with a size in the range 20–100 nm. Experiments have
revealed that the Hall–Petch equation holds down to some 20 nm, confirming
that enormous strengths can be achieved by refining the grain size. The equation
begins to fail at grain sizes less than about 20 nm, possibly because other mecha-
nisms of deformation, such as grain boundary sliding, begin to play a prominent
role. The volume fraction V
of material occupied by the boundaries is given
≃ 2a/
L is the mean linear intercept defining the grain size and a is the thickness
of the boundary layer. Clearly, the fraction of atoms located at the grain sur-
faces becomes very large in the nanostructured materials, facilitating diffusional
processes such as grain sliding (Fig. 2.9).
Although the nanostructured steels are strengthened as expected from the
Hall–Petch equation, they tend to exhibit unstable plasticity after yielding. The
plastic instability occurs in both tension and in compression testing, with shear
bands causing failure in the latter case. It is as if the capacity of the material to
work harden following yielding diminishes. The consequence is an unacceptable