temper embrittlement, 253–6
inter-element effects, 254–5
optimum temperature, range, 256
role of carbide particles, 255–6
segregation of alloying elements, 254–6
use of Auger spectroscopy, 253–5
tempered martensite embrittlement, 194,
tempering, 183–207
alloy steels, 191–207
chromium steels, 201
molybdenum and tungsten steels, 201–3
plain carbon steels, 184–90
vanadium steels, 199–200
tempering of alloy steels, 191–207
carbide transformation, 200–3
coarsening of cementite, 194–5
complex steels, 203
mechanical properties, 204–7
nucleation of alloy carbides, 197–9
retained austenite, 193–4
role of dislocations, 197–9
secondary dispersions, 204–6
temper embrittlement, 253–6
tempered martensite embrittlement,
tempering of carbon steels,
activation energies, 189
coarsening of cementite 188–9
effect of carbon, 190
grain boundary cementite, 186–8
mechanical properties, 190–1
nucleation and growth of Fe
C, 186–8
precipitation of ε-iron carbide, 184–5
recrystallization of ferrite, 189
temper rolling, 34
tetragonality of martensite, 100–3
changes during tempering, 184–6, 193–4
thermal stresses, 179
thermionic emission microscopy, 45–53
thermodynamics, 324
thermomechanical treatment, 209–34
controlled rolling, 210–20
thin films and isolated particles, 3–4
titanium carbide,
in austenitic steels, 267–70, 274
micro-alloyed steels, 68–9, 218–20,
TTT curves for precipitation, 268
transformation mechanism, 7–8
transformation stresses, 4, 179
transition temperature (ductile brittle
)), 67–8, 210, 236–7
effect of grain size, 239–40
TRIP-assisted steels, 223–9
Cold-rolled strip, 223–4
galvanization, 227–9
hot-rolled strip, 224
low or zero-silicon, 226–7
TRIP steels, 284–5
tungsten carbide,
formed during tempering, 201–3
orientation relationship with ferrite,
transformation to other carbides, 201–2
in austenite, 282
in martensite, 109–10
TWIP steels, 229–30
Upper bainite, 129–32
cementite in, 132
growth of plates, 139–40
morphology and crystallography,
underbead cracking, 245
in austenitic steels, 267–70
in coarsening of Fe
C, 188–9
trapping of by phosphorus, 268–70
vanadium carbide,
formed during isothermal
transformation, 89–91
formed during tempering, 199–200
in micro-alloyed steels, 218–20
orientation relationship with ferrite,
as-deposited microstructure, 289–90
acicular ferrite, 289
allotriomorphic ferrite, 291–2
carbon equivalent, 296–7