austenite grains thus transform into more desirable ferritic phases, with lower
hardness values and higher toughness.
13.3.5 Partially austenitic regions and local brittle zones
At a sufficiently large distance from the fusion boundary, the peak temperature
is such thatthe steel cannottransform completelyto austenite.The smallamount
of austenite that does form has a larger carbon concentration. Thisis because the
solubility of carbon in austenite, which is in equilibrium with ferrite, increases
as the temperature decreases. The subsequent transformation behaviour of this
enriched austenite is then quite different, since it has a higher hardenability.
If the cooling rate is sufficiently large, then the carbon-enriched austenite
transformspartially into hardmartensite,the remainingaustenite beingretained
to ambient temperature. These minute regions of hard martensite are known
as ‘local brittle zones’. They are located in much softer surroundings consisting
of tempered ferrite. Consequently, they do not cause a general reduction in
toughness, but lead to an increase in the scatter associated with toughness tests.
This is because the test specimen only sometimes samples the local brittle zone,
in which case the recorded toughness will be poor. On other occasions, the
measured toughness can be very high, presumably because the test region does
not include a local brittle zone. Such scatter in mechanical property data is not
only disconcerting, but also makes design difficult because of the existence of a
few very low values.
When the cooling rate in this region is not high enough to induce martensitic
transformation, the carbon-enriched austenite can decompose into a mixture
of coarse cementite and ferrite. The cementite particles again constitute local
brittle zones and increase the variability in mechanical properties.
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