example, in high manganese steels stacking faults readily occur as the austenite
hasa lowstacking faultenergy. Ontransformation to martensite,an ε-martensite
of hexagonal structure is obtained which has been shown to nucleate at stacking
The embryos are postulated to have a semicoherent dislocation interface
with the austenite, envisaged as arrays of parallel dislocation loops which join
the embryo to its matrix (Fig. 5.16). Growth then takes place by nucleation of
new dislocation loops which join the interface and extend it. Recently, Olson
and Cohen have developed a new theory of nucleation in which the first step is
faulting on the closest-packed planes derived from existing groups of disloca-
tions. The most likely sites for such nuclei are grain boundaries, incoherent twin
boundaries and inclusion particle interfaces.
Normally individual martensite platesgrow at extremely rapid rates, forming
in times of the order of 10
s. It has been found that the growth velocity is
constant over a wide temperature range which indicates that the growth process
is not strongly thermally activated. This is consistent with the crystallographic
evidence that the atomic movements are small and orderly, and that atoms do
not change places by diffusion. The growth is envisaged as the movement of an
array of parallel dislocations lying in the interface, all having the same Burgers
vector.As the interfacemoves forwardinto the austeniticmatrix thedislocations
keep up with the interface by gliding on the appropriate slip planes. This type
of movement involves motion of the habit plane in a direction normal to itself.
Isothermal growth of martensite plates has often been observed at rates
permitting direct observation in the optical microscope, e.g. in iron–nickel–
manganese alloys. Other alloys, e.g. iron–nickel and iron–nickel–carbon, exhibit
the burst phenomenon, although there is substantial evidence that isothermal
transformation often takes place in alloys with low M
which exhibited this
phenomenon. In these cases it seems that the main factor is slow isothermal
nucleation rather than slow growth.
Looking at the kinetics of martensite formation in broad terms, there are
three different types of behaviour which can take place (Fig. 5.17). The first
Fig. 5.17 Transformation curves for martensite: (a) athermal transformation; (b) athermal
with bursts; (c) isothermal transformation (Christian, in Martensite: Fundamentals andTechnology
(ed. Petty, E. R.), Longmans, UK, 1970).