associated with the displacive growth of lower bainite or martensite – those
variants of cementite which best comply with the stress are dominant. If the
driving force for precipitation is large (i.e. the carbon concentration inherited
by the bainite is large) then multiple variants including those which do not
comply with the stress are able to precipitate.
The carbides in the lower bainite are extremely fine, just a few nanome-
tres thick and about 500 nm long. Because they precipitate within the ferrite, a
smaller amount of carbon is partitioned into the residual austenite. This in turn
means that fewer and finer cementite particles precipitate between the ferrite
plates, when compared with an upper bainitic microstructure. An important
consequence is that lower bainite is usually found to be much tougher than
upper bainite, in spite of the fact that it also tends to be stronger. The coarse
cementite particles in upper bainite are notorious in their ability to nucleate
cleavage cracks and voids.
The IPS surface relief caused by the growth of bainitic ferrite has a large shear
strain component of 0.24 in addition to the volume strain (0.03) on transform-
ation. There is, therefore, a coordinated movement of atoms as the transforma-
tion occurs. Consistent with this, the iron and substitutional solutes such as Mn,
Si, Ni, Mo and Cr, have been demonstrated using high-resolution techniques
to be frozen into position during transformation (Fig. 6.7). The change in crys-
tal structure is therefore achieved by a deformation of the austenite crystal. If
the strain is elastically accommodated, then the strain energy of bainitic fer-
rite amounts to about 400 J mol
. Some of the strain can be relaxed by plastic
deformation in the adjacent austenite.
The movement of interstitial atoms during the change in crystal structure
does not influence the development of surface relief. Conversely, the observa-
tion of relief cannot yield information about whether or not carbon diffuses
during transformation.
It is simple to establish that martensitic transformation is diffusionless, by mea-
suring the local compositions before and after transformation. Bainite forms at
somewhat higher temperatures where the carbon can escape out of the plate
within a fraction of a second. Its original composition cannot therefore be
measured directly.
There are three possibilities. The carbon may partition during growth so that
the ferrite may never contain any excess carbon. The growth may on the other
hand be diffusionless with carbon being trapped by the advancing interface.
Finally, there is an intermediate case in which some carbon may diffuse with
the remainder being trapped to leave the ferrite partially supersaturated. It is