del Arco et al., 1996; Kooli et al., 1997a; Velu et al., 1997b; Pre
vot et al., 1998; Ennadi
et al., 2000; Crespo et al., 2001). Nickel-based LDH have thermal stabilities inter-
mediate between those of Mg- and Zn-based LDH (Clause, 1991, 1992; Trifiro
et al.,
1994; Barriga et al., 1996; Kannan et al., 1996; Labajos and Rives, 1996; del Arco et
al., 1999; Jitianu et al., 2000b). Cobalt-based LDH decompose at lower temperatures
than other LDH (Kannan and Swamy, 1992; Kannan et al., 1995; Xu and Zeng,
1998, 2001a; del Arco et al., 1998; Zeng and Lim, 2000; Pe
rez et al., 2001a,
2001b, 2001c, 2001d).
Other forms of LDH such as calcium-based LDH (Messersmith and Stupp, 1995),
Li–Al LDH (Herna
ndez et al., 1985; Hou and Kirkpatrick, 2001), and multicom-
ponent LDH (Morpurgo et al., 1996; Velu and Swamy, 1996; Alejandre et al., 1999;
Castiglioni et al., 2000; Tichit et al., 2001) show their own distingu ishing phases
during thermal decomposition.
Effect of Interlayer Anions
The thermal decomposition of LDH into the corresponding oxides is moderately
affected by the nature of the interlayer anions. For example, DTA indicates that the
nitrate forms of Mg–Al LDH are thermally more stable when the layer charge x
( ¼ Al/(Mg+Al)) increases (Xu and Zeng, 2001b). By contrast, the carbonate forms
show a decrease in decomposition temperature when x increases. The thermal be-
haviour of the nitrate forms is attributed to the arrange ment of the interlayer nitrate
ions which changes from ‘flat-lying’ to ‘stick-lying’ as the number of nitrate anions
increases (Xu and Zeng, 2001c). Dehydroxylation is apparently retarded when the
nitrate group adopts the ‘stick-lying’ conformation, being alternately attached to top
and bottom hydroxyl sheets of contiguous layers.
LDH, containing certain organic anions, can change their basal spacings on mild
heating. Expansion or contraction may occur during loss of interlayer water. Thus,
the basal spacing of Li–Al LDH with intercalated lon g-chain fatty acids
COOH, n ¼ 10, 12, and 14) expands on heating to 100 1C, whereas
that of the analogous Mg–Al forms contracts (Borja and Dutta, 1992). Terephtha-
late and benzoate intercalates of Mg–Al LDH also show changes in basal spacing
due to a change in orientation of the anions from vertical to horizontal or to in-
terstratification (Vucelic e t al., 1995; Kooli et al., 1996).
Contraction of basal spacings also occurs when anions are grafted to the hy-
droxide layer s. Grafting can enhance thermal stability (Pre
vot et al., 1998). The
higher thermal stability of LDH sulphate relative to the carbonate and hydroxide
forms may be explained in terms of the grafting of sulphate anions to the hydroxide
layers (Constantino and Pinnavaia, 1995).
Calcination/Hydration Cycles and Reconstruction
The thermal behaviour of Mg–Al–CO
LDH is characterized by three major steps
(Fig. 13.1.9)(Miyata, 1980; Sato et al., 1986a, Labajos et al., 1992; Pesic et al., 1 992;
Rey et al., 1992; MacKenzie et al., 1993; Hibino et al., 1995; Hudson et al., 1995;
Chapter 13.1: Layered Double Hydroxides1052