406 A.I. Larkin and A.A.Varlamov
insulator with disorder increase. This means that at
some disorder degree range,higher than the localiza-
tion edge when the normal phase no longer exists at
finite temperatures, superconductivity can still sur-
vive. At a first glance this statement seems strange:
what does superconductivity mean if the electrons
are already localized? And if it really can take place
beyond the metallic phase, at what value of disorder
strength and in which way does the superconductiv-
ity finally disappear?
Onehasto bear in mind thatlocalizationisaquan-
tum phenomenonin its natureand with theapproach
to the localization edge the coherence length of local-
ization grows. From the insulator side of the tran-
sition vicinity this means the existence of large scale
regions where delocalized electrons exist. If the en-
ergy level spacing in such regions does not exceed
the value of superconducting gap Cooper pairs still
can be formed by the delocalized electrons of this
The problem can be reformulated in another, al-
ready familiar, way: how does the critical tempera-
ture of the superconducting transition decrease with
the increase of the disorder strength? In the pre-
vious sections we have already tried to solve it by
discussing the critical temperature fluctuation shift.
We have seen that the fluctuation shift of the critical
temperature is proportional to
for a 3D su-
perconductor and to Gi
} for a 2D super-
conductor. This means that the critical temperature
is not changed noticeably as long as the Ginzburg–
Levanyuk number remains small. So one can ex-
pect the complete suppression of superconductiv-
ity when Gi ∼ 1 only. For further consideration it
is convenient to separate the 3D and 2D cases be-
cause their physical pictures of the superconductor-
insulator transition are quite different.
10.5.2 3D Superconductors
As one can see from Table 10.1 in the 3D case
the Ginzburg–Levanyuk number remains small at
l ∼ 1: Gi
1. Nevertheless, approach-
ing the edge of localization, the width of the fluc-
tuation region increases [81]. In the framework of
the self-consistent theory of localization [82] such
growth of the width of the fluctuation region was
found in [83].
Instead of the cited self-consistent theory let us
make some more general assumptions concerning
the character of the metal-insulator (M-I) transition
in the absence of superconductivity[13].We suppose
that in the case of very strong disorder and not very
strong Coulomb interaction the M–I transition is of
second order.The role of“temperature”for this tran-
sition is played by the “disorder strength”, which is
characterized by the dimensionless value g =
With its decrease the conductivity of the metallic
phase decreases and at some critical value g
to zero as
= e
(g − g
. (10.147)
This is the critical point of the Anderson (M-I) tran-
sition. We assume that the thermodynamic density
of states remains constant at the transition point.
The electron motion in metallic phase far enough
from the M–I transition has a diffusion character
and the conductivity can be related to the diffu-
sion coefficient D = p
l/3m by the Einstein relation:
= e
D. One can say that diffusion-like “excita-
tions” with the spectrum !(q)=iDq
propagate in
the system. At the point of the M–I transition nor-
mal diffusion terminates and conductivity, together
with D, turns zero. In accordance with scaling ideas,
the diffusion coefficientcan be assumed here to be a
power function of q: D(q) ∼ q
ical critical exponent z2. The anomalous diffusion
excitation spectrum in this case would take the form
! ∼ q
In the insulating phase (g < g
anomalous diffusion,confined to regions of the scale
, is still possible. It cannot provide charge transfer
throughout the entire system, so D(q =0)=0,but
for small distances (q
) anomalous diffusion
takes place.Analogously, in the metallic phase (gg
the diffusion coefficient in the vicinity of the transi-
tion has an anomalous dependence on q for q
and weakly depends on it for q
. So one can
conclude that the diffusion coefficient for q
from both sides of the transition has the same q-
dependence as for all q in the transition point. It can