378 A.I. Larkin and A.A.Varlamov
mean free path.For instance, the fluctuation heat ca-
pacity of a superconducting granular system is read-
ily accessible for experimental study.
Using the microscopic expression for the coher-
ence length (10.4), the Ginzburg-Levanyuk number
(10.37) can be evaluated for different cases of clean
(c) and dirty (d) superconductors of various dimen-
sionalities and geometries (film, wire, whisker and
granule are supposed to have 3D electronic spec-
sult coincides with the original Ginzburg evaluation
and demonstrates the negligibility of the supercon-
ducting fluctuation effects in clean bulk materials.
10.2.3 Scaling and Renormalization Group
In the above study of the fluctuation contribution
to heat capacity we have restricted ourselves to the
temperature range out of the direct vicinity of the
critical temperature: || Gi
the fluctuations in this region turn out to be weak
and neglecting their interaction was justified. In this
section we will discuss the fluctuations in the imme-
diate vicinityof the criticaltemperature (|| Gi
where this interaction turns out to be of great impor-
We will start with the scaling hypothesis, i.e. with
the belief that in the immediate vicinity of the tran-
sition the only relevant length scale is (T).The tem-
perature dependencies of all other physical quanti-
ties can be expressed through (T). This means, for
instance, that the formula for the fluctuation part of
the free energy (10.25) with the logarithm omitted is
still valid in the region of critical fluctuations
∼ −
() , (10.38)
the coherence length is a power function of the re-
duced temperature: () ∼
. The correspond-
ing formula for the fluctuation heat capacity can be
rewritten as
ıC ∼ −
D −2
. (10.39)
As was demonstrated in the Introduction, the GL
functional approach, where the temperature depen-
dence of (T) is determined only by the diffusion of
the electrons forming Cooper pairs,() ∼
ıC ∼
. These results are valid for the GL region
( || Gi) only, where the interaction between fluc-
tuations can be neglected. In the immediate vicin-
ity of the transition (the so-called critical region),
where || Gi, the interaction of fluctuations be-
comes essential. Here fluctuation Cooper pairs affect
the coherence length themselves, changing the tem-
perature dependencies of ()andıC().In order to
find the heat capacity temperature dependence in the
critical region one would have to calculate the func-
tional integral with thefourth orderterm,accounting
forthe fluctuationinteraction,as was done for the 0D
case.For the 3D case up to now it is only known how
to calculate a Gaussian type functional integral. This
was done above when, for the GL region, we omitted
the fourth order term in the free energy functional
The first evident step in order to include in con-
sideration of the critical region would be to develop
a perturbation series in b.
Any term in this series
has the form of a Gaussian integral and can be repre-
sentedby a diagram,wherethesolidlines correspond
to the correlators
¦ (r)¦
are represented by the points where four correlator
lines intersect (see Fig. 10.2).
This series can be written as
C ∼
For Gi it is enough to keep only the first
two terms to reproduce the perturbational result
obtained above. For Gi all terms have to be
summed. It turns out that the coefficients c
can be
calculated for the space dimensionality D → 4only.
In this case the complex diagrams in Fig. 10.2 (like
the diagram similar to an envelope) are small by the
parameter " =4−D and in order to calculate c
The logarithm in (10.25) is essential for the case D =2.Thiscasewillbediscussedlater.
Let us mention that this series is an asymptotic one, i.e. it does not converge even for small b. One can easily see this
for small negative b,when the integral for the partition function evidently diverges. This is also confirmed by the exact
0D solution (10.23).