10 Fluctuation Phenomena in Superconductors 427
In this case,the 3D regime (below T
) is not singular,
and the anomalous MT contribution is proportional
to J
, rather than J for weak pair-breaking. In the
2D regime, it is proportional to J
for strong pair-
breaking, as opposed to J
for weak pair-breaking.
In addition, the overall magnitude of the anomalous
MT contributionwith strong pair-breaking is greatly
reduced from that forweak pair-breaking.
Let us now compare the regular and anomalous
MT contributions.Since these contributions are op-
posite in sign, it is important to determine which will
dominate. For the in-plane resistivity, the situation
is straightforward: the anomalous part always domi-
nates over the regular and the latter can be neglected.
The case of c-axis resistivity requires more discus-
sion. Since we expect
≥ ,strongpair-breaking
is likely in the dirty limit.When the pair-breaking is
weak, the anomalous term is always of lower order
in J than the regular term, so the regular term can
be neglected.This is true for boththe clean and dirty
limits.The most important regime for the regular MT
term is the dirty limit with strong pair-breaking. In
this case, when
T ∼ 1, the regular and anomalous
terms are comparable in magnitude. In short, it is
usually a good approximation to neglect the regular
term, except in the dirty limit with relatively strong
pair-breaking and only for the out-of-plane conduc-
Finally let us mention that the contributionsfrom
and 4 of Fig. 10.9) in the vicinity of critical tempera-
ture can be omitted: one can check that they have an
additional square of the Cooper pair center of mass
momentum q in the integrand of q-integration with
respect to diagram 2 and hence turn out to be less
singular in .
10.7.6 Discussion
Although the in-plane and out-of plane components
of the fluctuation conductivity tensor of a layered
superconductor contain the same fluctuation contri-
butions,their temperature behavior may be qualita-
tively different. In fact, for
, the negative contri-
butions are considerably less than the positive ones
in the entire experimentally accessible temperature
Fig. 10.11. The normalized excess conductivity for sam-
ples of YBCO-123 (triangles), BSSCO-2212 (squares)and
BSSCO-2223 (circles) plottedagainst =lnT/T
on a ln-ln
plotas described in [124]. Dotted and solid lines are the AL
theory in 3D and 2D, respectively. The dashed line is the
extended theory of [113]
range above the transition, and it is a positive mono-
tonic function of the temperature.Moreover,for HTS
compounds, where the pair-breaking is strong and
the MT contribution is in the overdamped regime,
it is almost always enough to take into account only
the paraconductivity to fit experimental data. Some
examples of the experimental findings for in-plane
fluctuation conductivity of HTS materials can be
found in [116–123].
In Fig. 10.11 the fluctuation part of in-plane con-
is plotted as a function of =lnT/T
solid line represents the 2D AL behavior
dotted line represents the 3D one: 3.2/
) [124].One
can see that paraconductivity of the less anisotropic
YBCO compound asymptotically tends to the 3D be-
havior (1/
)for0.1, showing the LD crossover
at ≈ 0.07; the curve for the more anisotropic 2223
phase of BSCCO starts to bend for 0.03 while the
most anisotropic 2212 phase of BSCCO shows a 2D
behavior in the whole temperature range investi-
gated.All three compounds show a universal 2D tem-