3 Preparing to write
students simply wade in, notebook at hand and pen at the ready (or fingers hovering
above the keyboard), intent on noting down anything they feel might be useful to
their enterprise. One of the unfortunate but inevitable results of this approach is that
these students tend to see almost everything as ‘potentially relevant and useful’ and,
therefore, often end up highlighting and noting down huge tracts of text much of
which will ultimately be surplus to requirements.
If you are to avoid wasting large amounts of time in this way, you need to be eco-
nomical and consider why you are taking notes and what kind of information you are
looking for. In other words, your note-making needs to be guided and disciplined. It
also needs to have a clearly-defined purpose, and that purpose may comprise one
or more of the following:
■ to identify a definition or multiple definitions of a term
■ to familiarise yourself with the range of perspectives that exist on a particular
■ to get an articulation or multiple articulations of an idea, theory or approach
■ to seek arguments that support a theoretical position
■ to extract the logic of an argument
■ to find contrasting viewpoints on an issue
■ to identify a research design/methodology
■ to locate research findings associated with a particular area or subject of
■ to get a sense of the issues that bear upon a subject and of which you may not be
Of course, there are times when our note-making isn’t quite so directed as the
above would suggest. Sometimes we read simply to familiarise ourselves further
with an idea or area in general so that we have a comprehensive overview of it and
a sense of the various issues that are central to it and which help define it. Yet even
in these circumstances some kind of conceptual framework or map is helpful in that
it allows you to decide what’s important and thus worth noting down, and what’s
not. Without any kind of constraints or parameters, reading and note-making
become too open-ended and inefficient.
In order to acquire such a conceptual map, try to read a complete section, chap-
ter, etc. at least once before starting to take notes on it. Although it may seem an
extravagant use of time, it’s normally a very worthwhile investment. If you simply
start taking notes as you read, you can easily get lost in the detail and lose sight
of the main ideas. As a result, you end up noting down too much information.
Reading the material in advance allows you to step back a bit and determine
what the writer’s main points are, what the supporting ideas are, and which of
these are most pertinent for your purposes. You can then note these down
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