3 Preparing to write
Electronic sources of information
Electronic sources include electronic books (‘e-books’), electronic journals (‘e-
journals’), indexes and collections of journal articles, reference works and digital
collections. As the volume of electronic resources continually expands, the number
of databases via which you can access these resources also increases. Although,
with time, you will begin to know which databases are most relevant and useful to
your own research, and which journals and other particular resources are most pro-
ductive, when you are just starting out it can be difficult to know where to begin. In
this situation, a good strategy is to go to a major multi-disciplinary database and
work from there, gradually narrowing your focus. Three such databases are the Web
of Knowledge, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA), and OCLC FirstSearch. The list
below gives you an idea of the enormous reach of these databases. The British
Library also provides a comprehensive list of databases that can be found at
Web of Knowledge – isiknowledge.com
A citation and journal database with access to:
■ Web of Science. Comprises three databases: Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Science
Citation Index and Social Sciences Citation Index. It provides over 30 million references
to research from over 9000 journals.
■ Arts and Humanities Citation Index. Indexes articles in the arts and humanities from over
1400 journals from 1975 to the present. Subject areas include philosophy, history, language,
linguistics, music, literature, religion, theatre and the visual arts.
Reading around your topic: source materials
Monographs Books written on a particular subject and which usually have a
fairly narrow focus. These can include single and multiple author
publications as well as edited volumes.
Textbooks Books offering an overview of a particular field or subject within
a field and which, therefore, tend to have a broader focus.
Research papers Journal articles reporting on both empirically-based and library-
based research, as well as conference proceedings (i.e. research
presented at conferences which has been re-presented and
published more formally as a written article).
Reference works Works such as indexes, dictionaries, encyclopaedias and
yearbooks that provide lists, data collections of different kinds,
definitions or concise overviews of particular subjects. These are
usually found in a dedicated location in the library and, due to their
more general nature, their often wider sphere of application, and
(in some cases) the cost and difficulty of replacing them, can only
be accessed on the library’s premises. They are not normally
available for loan.
Reviews Analyses of research areas, often published annually, which provide
a form of commentary on the state of the field.
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