Deciding on the research approach
The concept of intuition has, until recently, received scant scholarly attention
within and beyond the psychological sciences, despite its potential to unify a
number of lines of inquiry. Presently, the literature on intuition is conceptually
underdeveloped and dispersed across a wide range of domains of application,
from education, to management, to health. In this article, we clarify and distin-
guish intuition from related constructs, such as insight, and review a number of
theoretical models that attempt to unify cognition and affect. Intuition’s place
within a broader conceptual framework that distinguishes between two funda-
mental types of human information processing is explored. We examine recent
evidence from the field of social cognitive neuroscience that identifies the
potential neural correlates of these separate systems and conclude by identify-
ing a number of theoretical and methodical challenges associated with the
valid and reliable assessment of intuition as a basis for future research in this
burgeoning field of inquiry.
Hodgkinson et al. reveal their careful thinking about the topic in a number of
phrases, including intuition’s ‘potential to unify a number of lines of inquiry’, their
intention to ‘clarify and distinguish intuition from related constructs’, and their
review of literature that ‘identifies the potential neural correlates of these separate
systems’. It is also easy to sense how much the authors have read about the topic,
as they are approaching the concept of intuition from a number of interesting
Quantitative approaches
As mentioned above, quantitative approaches are classified as such because they
involve gathering and analysing numerical data. In the social sciences, quantitative
approaches have been dominant for several decades, in part because of their aura
of scientific rigour and clarity. One disadvantage of this approach, however, is the
amount of time necessary to receive training in test and survey design and statistical
analyses, both of which are integral parts of most quantitative studies. In the follow-
ing sub-sections, we will briefly outline the three main types of quantitative research:
survey research, quasi-experimental studies and true experiments.
Survey research
Some simple types of quantitative research make use of a single intact group that is
measured only once. While this may sound odd, it’s actually very commonly used.
For instance, many published studies in the social sciences are based on data col-
lected using a questionnaire that was administered once to a single (large) group of
people. While this approach can be very informative where descriptions of people
and situations are sought and in investigations of attitudes and beliefs, it’s not a
good way to establish causality, as cause and effect relationships can only be
convincingly established through experiments.
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