Selected answers to activities
migration, social integration and, ultimately, cross-cultural interaction, have been
enormous, and these in turn have had major repercussions on the world of work. It
is rare indeed for today’s businesses and other organisations not to have at least a
proportion of workers from various ethnic backgrounds; indeed, legislation is
increasingly requiring them at the very least to be open to the notion of a multicul-
tural workforce. Furthermore, employees are increasingly aware of the benefits such
a workforce can bring to their organisations.
As ‘the multicultural workforce’ becomes more widespread, the role of intercul-
tural skills in the workplace takes on a new significance and raises important
questions concerning language proficiency, work ethics and attitudes, and an
understanding of behavioural norms. This chapter looks in particular at the issue
of language and cross-cultural communication, both in terms of the challenges it
presents as well as the various ways in which organisations have sought to meet
those challenges such that workers’ cultural traditions are valued and respected,
and the company’s ethos and efficiency maintained.
Activity 4.10 Summarising a text
The expression of environmental concern by ordinary people in Iran is severely
constrained by its authoritarian clerical government which leaves dissenters, who
exist and are tolerated to an extent, with little or no voice alongside the green,
government-sanctioned NGOs. This carefully crafted situation helps maintain oli-
garchic control by the theocracy while simultaneously allowing the people some
semblance of controlled participation, and women in particular, a voice they have
been lacking since the revolution of 1979.
In Burma, on the other hand, environmental issues are linked to human rights,
leading to a discourse of ‘earth rights’. Dissent is not tolerated and can only find a
voice via military insurgency or international fora.
In both these non-democratic regimes, then, the brand of environmentalism
exported by the West has had its character changed through the process of impor-
tation. Yet their mutated forms may still help shape societal change in the future,
particularly in Burma, where the environment and human rights have been linked
more strongly in struggles for survival.
Activity 4.11 Punctuating three texts
Text 1
Companies such as Apple, Nokia, Unilever, P&G and Philips with international
distribution systems may introduce new products through global rollouts. Apple’s
iPhone first went on sale in America in June 2007, followed by the European
launch in the autumn, and Asian roll-out in 2008. In a swift and successful global
assault – its fastest global rollout ever – P&G quickly introduced its SpinBrush
low-priced, battery-powered toothbrush into 35 countries. Such rapid worldwide
expansion overwhelmed rival Colgate’s Actibrush brand.
(Kotler et al., 2008: 565)
Text 2
Treatment programmes for drug abuse, including smoking and drinking, may take
several forms. In some cases, aversion therapy is used; in others, less intrusive
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