difficulties and 110
examples 114–15
useful expressions for 114
conducting academic research: common
concerns 1, 2
conferences, networking and 16, 62
crisis of 13
don’t lose 15
viva and 190
confidentiality, participants 33
consent form 32–3
controversy, scientists and philosophers 36
‘conventional wisdom’ 159
creating a plan and organising your
argument 53, 76
laying out your plan 77–8
why plan? 76–7
critical readers, active readers 159
Curby, T. 184–5
‘current awareness’ services, keeping
up to date via 61–2
current literature 158
Davies, S. 97–8
Daxecker, U.E. 40, 168
de-personalising language, examples of 85
deciding on a research approach 29, 41–2
disciplinary and subject variations 52
mixed-methods approaches 50–52
philosophical inquiry 42–3
qualitative approaches 47–8
case studies 48–9
ethnographies 47–8
narratives 49–50
quantitative approaches 43–7
quasi experiments 45–7
survey research 43–5
true experiments 46–7
deciding on a research topic 29, 36–8
Activity 2.5 Rating five possible topics 37
Activity 2.6 Refining your top two
topics 38
decimal system, linear system and 72
dedication, research requires 12
delimitations, external validity 157
developing independence as a researcher
and finding your voice 1, 5–7
Activity 1.1 Your strengths and
weaknesses as a researcher 7
developmental editor 205
Dewey decimal system 55
Dinger, S. 145, 147, 150–52, 177
directional hypotheses 41, 168–9
directional hypothesis 167–8
discussion 141, 178
new contributions of your study 181–2
practical consequences of your
results 180–82
relate your results to previous
research 178–9
theoretical consequences of your
results 179–80
choosing a topic that ‘fits’ you 36, 38
one paper out of 198
dissertation/thesis, place consent form
section 33
requirements 5
dissertations, examined internally 188
Douglas, M. 116, 121–2
electronic books (e-books) 56
electronic catalogue 55
electronic resources (e-resources) 54
Elliott, C. 103, 128, 133
email 18
embedded design
emotive language, undermines
objectivity 104
empirical research, library-based research
and 67
empirical study, data collection slow 23
ethical considerations 29, 32–4
Activity 2.2 Research ethics policies
at your university 34
ethnographic observations 51
examiners, choosing 21, 110
explanatory design
exploratory design
familiarity with your institutions rules and
regulations 29, 30–32
Activity 2.1 Rules and regulations
governing dissertations at your
university 32
feedback 82, 148, 150, 160, 181,
188, 206
fieldwork 23
empirically-based research
projects 54
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