6 The final straight
this is usually written into the contract along with a precise number. Once again, you
can feel proud of your research, and enjoy what it has helped you achieve!
Presenting your research
In Chapter 1 (
see p. 17), we talked briefly about attending research seminars,
conferences, local chapters and special interest groups as a way of networking, be-
coming involved in the academic community, and generating and getting feedback
on ideas for your research. Of course, these fora also provide excellent opportuni-
ties to disseminate your research.
As with journal articles, your dissertation or thesis can provide material for a number
of presentations. These will probably – though not necessarily – mirror the journal
articles that your research generates. Often, academics will present their papers at
conferences only after they’ve been accepted for publication; this helps give the
papers standing or credibility and the presenters themselves added confidence. In
contrast, others see conference presentations as proving grounds; as opportunities
to test their papers on their peers and to get feedback that may help improve their
work prior to submitting it to journals.
Presentations, then, bring with them a number of potential benefits, many of which
they have in common with journal articles. These include:
■ enhancing your professional profile
■ generating interest in an area in which, by virtue of having successfully completed
your dissertation or thesis, you have become something of an expert
■ generating feedback that may help clarify your thinking and improve your work
■ providing you with ideas for ‘spin offs’ – research projects, other papers, etc. that
build on the research on which your are reporting
■ presenting opportunities to network with others in the profession who share
similar interests
■ forcing you to reflect on your own ideas.
Finally, although presentations do not, as a rule, command as much respect in aca-
demic circles as books or papers published in well-regarded, refereed journals, they
do nevertheless carry weight and tend to be a somewhat easier route to getting your
research ‘out there’ and into the wider academic community. What’s more, they
constitute an important – some would say crucial – element in the development of
any academic career.
However you choose to showcase it and use it to your and others’ advantage, your
research, as recorded in your dissertation or thesis, will always remain as a testa-
ment to your intellectual ability, creativity and perseverance. It is an achievement
of which you can be justly proud.
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