6 The final straight
Meaning Action needed
Fail of PhD but unconditional award of MPhil
The examiners feel that the thesis is
not strong enough to justify the
award of a PhD degree and believe
that it is not salvageable either be-
cause of a lack of breadth and depth,
or because they judge the candidate
to be incapable of implementing the
changes necessary to bring the thesis
up to the required standard. They
believe, however, that its qualities
and the extent of the research under-
taken are such that they justify the
award of the MPhil degree, without
the need for any amendments.
None. The examiners will submit a report recom-
mending that you be awarded a MPhil degree.
You will be formally notified of the result.
Fail of PhD but award of MPhil subject to amendments
The examiners feel that the thesis is
not strong enough to justify the
award of a PhD degree and believe
that it is not salvageable either
because its weaknesses are too
fundamental or because they judge
the candidate to be incapable of
implementing the changes necessary
in order to bring the thesis up to the
required standard. However, with
modifications, they believe that it
qualifies for the award of an MPhil
An approximate date is usually agreed for a
resubmission of the thesis. The date decided will
depend on how substantial the amendments are
and the anticipated timescale for completing
them. A more definite date is normally agreed
as the amendments are nearing completion.
Generally, examiners will not require candidates
to sit a second viva following resubmission of the
thesis for the MPhil degree; however, this is at
their discretion. More typically, the examiners will
read through and consult together on the
amended version of the thesis and come to a
decision as to whether or not to pass it. Normally,
Pass with substantial amendments
The examiners are not entirely happy
with the thesis in its current form and
require more significant, larger-scale
amendments. These will probably,
though not necessarily, be concerned
with more fundamental conceptual
problems that can only be addressed
through a reworking of certain
parts of the thesis.
An approximate date is usually agreed for a
resubmission of the thesis. The date decided will
depend on how substantial the amendments are
and the anticipated timescale for completing
them. A more definite date is normally agreed
as the amendments are nearing completion.
Generally, examiners will not require candidates
to sit a second viva following resubmission of the
thesis; however, this is at their discretion. More
typically, the examiners will read through and
consult together on the amended version of the
thesis and come to a decision as to whether or
not to pass it. Normally, the candidate’s
supervisor will inform the student of their
If the examiners decide not to pass it, they may
either request further changes or, if they feel that
further improvement is unlikely, recommend the
award of a MPhil degree.
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