The upgrading process
progress you have made. During the interview, you will be asked about the project
and alerted to potential problems and weaknesses. The purpose here is to check
whether you have a good grip on the project, to highlight its strengths and to offer
advice about how you can improve it and avoid potential pitfalls. The discussion that
takes place can, therefore, be very useful not only to you personally but also to your
supervisor, who may also benefit from issues raised and, as a result, be even better
placed to support you subsequently. In essence, then, upgrading is a way of evaluat-
ing your progress to date and your ability to see the project through to a successful
conclusion. This is important for both you and your supervisor and department. For
you, a well-received upgrade report on your research, along with a good interview,
can be very reassuring by confirming the direction in which you are heading and the
quality of the research so far. On the other hand, it can sound alarm bells by identify-
ing serious flaws in your project and/or by casting serious doubt on your ability to
conduct research at this level and to bring your thesis to fruition as required. The pos-
sibility that you will not be permitted to continue with your research is an essential
and valuable part of the process – if an unwelcome one – in that it can save you and
the department time and money by cutting losses at a fairly early stage in your
research, and spare you from even greater disappointment later on.
There are three possible outcomes of the upgrading process as shown in the
Three possible outcomes of the upgrading process
1 The project is given a clean bill of health, along with suggestions for
improvements, alerts to possible weaknesses and ideas for addressing those
weaknesses. Upon the recommendation of the examiner, the university registry
will then enrol you as a PhD student.
2 There are major concerns expressed over the project and you are required to
address these as best you can and reapply for an upgrade once you feel
confident that the problems identified have been adequately addressed.
3 It is felt that the project is not salvageable and/or you are not capable of com-
pleting a PhD. However, this does not necessarily mean you go away empty-
handed, having achieved nothing. In these circumstances, rather than terminate
your enrolment altogether, the committee may well give you the opportunity to
recast your work as an M.Phil submission. It will then be examined according
to the criteria for M.Phil degrees. The conditions under which the upgrading
committee will offer this option are generally twofold:
■ The research project is reasonably sound conceptually but, in light of its initial
development, is seen as unlikely to have the scope and depth necessary to
justify the award of a PhD degree.
■ The project has the potential to produce a good PhD thesis, but it is felt that
the researcher lacks the ability to take it forward and develop it to the extent
required and expected of a PhD.
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