Choosing and working with your supervisor
personalities are compatible; indeed, this is arguably as important as your super-
visor’s intellectual prowess. Although there have doubtless been numerous
cases where personality incompatibilities or clashes have existed and students
successfully gone on to complete their research and receive their degrees regard-
less, this is not an ideal scenario. Ideally, you should feel at ease with your
supervisor and enjoy a good working relationship that brings satisfaction and
enjoyment to both of you.
■ Their interest in you and your project. If your supervisor is to inspire, motivate and
support you, they will need to have a genuine interest in you, your success and
your project. Remember: being qualified to supervise a project does not neces-
sarily mean being particularly interested in that project and in you and your suc-
cess as an individual. Although, for the most part, supervisors select their
supervisees because of who they are and because they have a real interest in
their research proposal, in a few cases departmental pressures can mean that
academics sometimes feel obliged to supervise projects they might not neces-
sarily take on in other circumstances. You, of course, won’t know this and will
therefore have to judge as best you can their level of genuine interest in what you
are doing. Even before you submit a proposal, therefore, try to meet them to
discuss your project and get a sense of how well they respond to you and your
line of research.
■ Their professional profile. Although Bachelors and Masters level students may
automatically be assigned a tutor or supervisor for their research studies, PhD
students normally select their own supervisor and will often opt for an individual
with a strong national or international reputation. While there can be real advan-
tages to doing this, there can also be disadvantages, and it’s important to be
aware of these. The table below highlights some of the possible advantages
and disadvantages of having a high-profile supervisor. As will be apparent, one
of the downsides is that your supervisor may often be away and unable to
respond to you at short notice. Even if they are able to respond to you, it may
be that they are not in a position to offer you a supervision when you would like;
in other words, they may have fewer free slots in their diary than might other-
wise be the case with a less high-profile supervisor. This can be frustrating,
especially if you’ve reached an impasse in your work and need help in getting
past it.
You will have to decide, then, whether the potential advantages of working with
an academic heavyweight outweigh the possible disadvantages. In making this
decision your own personality and working style should be a factor. As we’ve
seen, some people are more confident than others and perfectly content to work
more autonomously without having recourse to the kind of support a supervisor
can offer, whereas others can feel a need for and thrive on that support. Further-
more, certain kinds of research either minimise the need for contact with a super-
visor or involve certain periods where there is little to be gained from such
contact. This may be the case, for example, with an empirical study in which the
data collection is a slow, time-consuming process – for example, where fieldwork
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