Creating a plan and organising your argument
So why is planning so important? Here are a few good reasons:
■ Planning is way of helping you to reflect on your material and to clarify in your
own mind how the ideas you have collated relate to each other.
■ Understanding how ideas relate to each other is essential if you are to organise
them logically in preparation for writing.
■ Having a blueprint or conceptual map of your writing that helps ensure your ideas
are presented in the most logical order will make for a good and powerful argu-
ment structure, which in turn will make it easier for your reader to follow your line
of thinking.
■ Knowing where you are going in your writing allows you to write with confidence
and to focus more on the form of your writing than the content and organisation –
although these can and should never be entirely sidelined, of course. Because
you are able to focus more on form and not having to stop periodically to con-
sider what you want to say and where, you are better able to get into a writing
rhythm and produce a better structured, more flowing text.
■ Having a plan allows you to locate any point of discussion accurately within the
broader context of your work. This means that, among other things, you can refer
backwards or forwards with assuredness.
■ Planning helps avoid the situation where you suddenly find you don’t know where
to go next and/or you have taken the wrong direction in your writing. This can
lead to frustration, even panic, because it may mean you have to rewrite large
sections of your work or even start again from scratch.
■ Planning helps avoid a situation where you find you are left with information that
you have not taken account of and which you then have to integrate into your
discussion retrospectively. This can be difficult to do and result in a forced and
unnatural positioning of that idea. Also, in trying to squeeze it in somewhere you
can often upset the natural flow of your text.
Laying out your plan
This section will be a fairly brief one. Why? Because the techniques we looked at in
relation to laying out your notes
on page 67 apply equally to planning! Although
chances are you will opt to use the same technique for your planning as you use for
note-making, you may decide to use an alternative or you may use different tech-
niques for different parts of your dissertation or thesis.
Let’s imagine you decide to use a spidergram. There are a number of possible ways
to proceed and you will need to consider which one(s) suits you best. You may
well have the title of your dissertation or thesis in the centre. Then, emanating from
there, have three strands: one for your introduction, one for your body and one
for your conclusion. In the case of a dissertation or thesis, you may have an addi-
tional strand for the literature review (
discussed in detail in Chapter 5, p. 158).
As with note-making, each of these strands can then sub-divide into a series of
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