4 Clear and effective writing
views are well-informed and that you are offering an honest and balanced commen-
tary and analysis.
Just as acknowledging alternative perspectives reassures the reader of your
integrity, so does the kind of language you use. In the same way that emotive
language undermines the sense of objectivity you should be trying to achieve in your
writing, biased language which, for example, offhandedly dismisses views contrary
to your own, can seriously damage the credibility and impact of your work.
Introductions are an essential part of academic writing, yet students often find the
writing of a good introduction quite a challenging task; the whole business of
‘getting started’ is a painful struggle and a lot of time can be lost fumbling around
looking for a good ‘way in’. Often, what eventually gets onto the page feels less than
satisfactory both to the writer and to the reader. This is actually unsurprising seeing
as the writing of an introduction is more complex than many people realise and
involves achieving a number of aims. Let’s look at each of these in turn.
Providing a contextual frame for your discussion
Whether you are writing an introduction for a single chapter of your dissertation or
thesis or for the entire work (
see Chapter 5, p. 146), its most important function is
to make it clear to the reader why what you are about to discuss is important and
therefore worth reading. It does this by placing your discussion within a broader the-
oretical context in order to demonstrate how it fits in and is relevant. In academia,
any discipline has developed over time as the product of a cumulative process of
research and debate in which each piece of the jigsaw that has come to make up
that discipline has been motivated by or built upon those that preceded it. Without
this continuity of thought and inquiry, any discipline would consist merely of a col-
lection of random ideas and as such its progress would be severely retarded, if not
halted altogether. Indeed, one could legitimately question whether a collection of
random ideas has any right to be called ‘a discipline’.
An introduction, then, needs to anchor your discussion by providing relevant back-
ground information that shows the reader the relevance and significance of your
contribution. For example, if you intend to discuss the pros and cons of access/
equity programmes into higher education, as an entrée into your discussion you
may wish to begin by (a) discussing what equity programmes are, (b) highlighting the
fact that the notions of opportunity for all, social justice and an educated workforce
are currently high on political, social and educational agendas, and (c) provide an
indication of the extent to which financial and human resources have been invested
in such programmes. After all, before a reader can appreciate the importance of an
evaluation of such programmes, they need to understand what these programmes
are, what commitment has been made to them, and the nature of the discourse
surrounding them.
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