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Pure Bending
The relations we have obtained show that the elements
located above the neutral surface (y . 0) will expand in both the
y and z directions, while the elements located below the neutral
surface (y , 0) will contract. In the case of a member of rectan-
gular cross section, the expansion and contraction of the various
elements in the vertical direction will compensate, and no change
in the vertical dimension of the cross section will be observed. As
far as the deformations in the horizontal transverse z direction are
concerned, however, the expansion of the elements located above
the neutral surface and the corresponding contraction of the ele-
ments located below that surface will result in the various hori-
zontal lines in the section being bent into arcs of circle (Fig. 4.18).
The situation observed here is similar to that observed earlier in
a longitudinal cross section. Comparing the second of Eqs. (4.22)
with Eq. (4.8), we conclude that the neutral axis of the transverse
section will be bent into a circle of radius r9 5 ryn. The center
C9 of this circle is located below the neutral surface (assuming M
. 0), i.e., on the side opposite to the center of curvature C of the
member. The reciprocal of the radius of curvature r9 represents
the curvature of the transverse cross section and is called the anti-
clastic curvature. We have
Anticlastic curvature 5
In our discussion of the deformations of a symmetric member
in pure bending, in this section and in the preceding ones, we have
ignored the manner in which the couples M and M9 were actually
applied to the member. If all transverse sections of the member,
from one end to the other, are to remain plane and free of shearing
stresses, we must make sure that the couples are applied in such a
way that the ends of the member themselves remain plane and free
of shearing stresses. This can be accomplished by applying the cou-
ples M and M9 to the member through the use of rigid and smooth
plates (Fig. 4.19). The elementary forces exerted by the plates on
the member will be normal to the end sections, and these sections,
while remaining plane, will be free to deform as described earlier in
this section.
We should note that these loading conditions cannot be actually
realized, since they require each plate to exert tensile forces on the
corresponding end section below its neutral axis, while allowing the
section to freely deform in its own plane. The fact that the rigid-end-
plates model of Fig. 4.19 cannot be physically realized, however, does
not detract from its importance, which is to allow us to visualize the
loading conditions corresponding to the relations derived in the pre-
ceding sections. Actual loading conditions may differ appreciably
from this idealized model. By virtue of Saint-Venant’s principle, how-
ever, the relations obtained can be used to compute stresses in engi-
neering situations, as long as the section considered is not too close
to the points where the couples are applied.
Neutral axis of
transverse section
⬘ /
Fig. 4.18 Deformation of transverse
cross section.
Fig. 4.19 Deformation of longitudinal
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