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3.117 After the solid shaft of Prob. 3.116 has been loaded and unloaded
as described in that problem, a torque T
of sense opposite to
the original torque T is applied to the shaft. Assuming no change
in the value of f
, determine the angle of twist f
for which
yield is initiated in this second loading and compare it with the
angle f
for which the shaft started to yield in the original
3.118 The hollow shaft shown is made of a steel that is assumed to be
elastoplastic with t
5 145 MPa and G 5 77.2 GPa. The magni-
tude T of the torques is slowly increased until the plastic zone first
reaches the inner surface of the shaft; the torques are then removed.
Determine the magnitude and location of the maximum residual
shearing stress in the rod.
3.119 In Prob. 3.118, determine the permanent angle of twist of the rod.
3.120 A torque T applied to a solid rod made of an elastoplastic material
is increased until the rod is fully plastic and then removed.
(a) Show that the distribution of residual shearing stresses is as
represented in the figure. (b) Determine the magnitude of the
torque due to the stresses acting on the portion of the rod located
within a circle of radius c
5 m
25 mm
60 mm
Fig. P3.118
Fig. P3.120
The formulas obtained in Secs. 3.3 and 3.4 for the distributions of
strain and stress under a torsional loading apply only to members with
a circular cross section. Indeed, their derivation was based on the
assumption that the cross section of the member remained plane and
undistorted, and we saw in Sec. 3.3 that the validity of this assumption
depends upon the axisymmetry of the member, i.e., upon the fact
that its appearance remains the same when it is viewed from a fixed
position and rotated about its axis through an arbitrary angle.
A square bar, on the other hand, retains the same appearance
only when it is rotated through 908 or 1808. Following a line of
reasoning similar to that used in Sec. 3.3, one could show that the
diagonals of the square cross section of the bar and the lines joining
the midpoints of the sides of that section remain straight (Fig. 3.42).
However, because of the lack of axisymmetry of the bar, any other
line drawn in its cross section will deform when the bar is twisted,
and the cross section itself will be warped out of its original
It follows that Eqs. (3.4) and (3.6), which define, respectively,
the distributions of strain and stress in an elastic circular shaft, cannot
be used for noncircular members. For example, it would be wrong
to assume that the shearing stress in the cross section of a square bar
varies linearly with the distance from the axis of the bar and is, there-
fore, largest at the corners of the cross section. As you will see pres-
ently, the shearing stress is actually zero at these points.
Fig. 3.42 Twisting of shaft with
square cross section.
3.12 Torsion of Noncircular Members
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