VI Preface
recording are described. Typical applications of advanced TCSPC are introduced
and special technical problems associated with these applications are addressed. An
overview about detectors, detector parameters, their impact on TCSPC measure-
ments, and the performance of selected detectors is presented. A final section gives
practical hints on how to build and use TCSPC systems, including optical compo-
nents and systems, electronics, problems of electromagnetic shielding, optimisation
of TCSPC system parameters, and calibration.
The book does not include data analysis. Analysis of multispectral TCSPC data,
diffuse optical tomography data, or fluorescence correlation data differs considera-
bly from traditional fluorescence decay analysis, and many analysis problems are
not entirely solved yet. The author believes that data analysis should be the subject
of a different book, and leaves this task to someone who is more familiar with it.
I thank Heidrun Wabnitz for encouraging me to write this book, and for countless
helpful hints and discussions. I am also indebted to my collaborators for their work
in the development of TCSPC. My thanks go especially to Helmut Hickl for devel-
oping the digital signal processing techniques, Stefan Smietana for his tremendous
amount of work in designing instrument software, and Axel Bergmann for his data-
analysis developments and his untiring strategic endeavour to push TCSPC into
promising applications.
I am indebted also to those workgroups who have ventured into using advanced
TCSPC features in new applications. I thank in particular Karsten König who was
the first to use fast TCSPC scanning in two-photon microscopy; Dietrich
Schweitzer who built the first time-resolved ophthalmic imager; Herbert Rinneberg,
Britton Chance, and Rinaldo Cubeddu and their collaborators for introducing
TCSPC into diffuse optical tomography; Michael Prummer, Markus Sauer, and
Claus Seidel for their single-molecule applications; and Hans-Erich Wagner, Ronny
Brandenburg, and Kirill Kozlov for their multidimensional TCSPC experiments on
gas discharges. I must also give thanks to Christoph Biskup for his work on FRET
in living cells, and Ammasi Periasamy, Rory Duncan, Brian Bacskai, Enrico Grat-
ton, John White, Dennis Fan, Damain Bird, and Peter So for related microscopy
applications. I am indebted to Advanced Research Technologies (ART), Biorad,
Leica Microsystems, and Zeiss for their cooperation.
Many thanks also to my former professors, Siegfried Dähne and Edgar Klose for
their support and the productive working atmosphere they fostered in the early days
of TCSPC development.
Finally, I thank Sarah Smith for improving the English of this book.
Berlin, January 2005 Wolfgang Becker