2.3 Cyclic loading and fatigue 67
up, which may be once or twice a day. Fatigue under these conditions is referred to
as low cycle fatigue (for obvious reasons) and in such applications a more efficient
design can be obtained by making use of the sloping portion of the S–N curve. The
Comet disasters referred to above were eventually attributed to fatigue associated
with cabin pressurization, which typically cycles only once per take off and landing.
However, the above examples show that in many applications, N is large enough to
justify using the fatigue limit only.
The concept of a fatigue limit is so useful that we invent one even when it is
not discovered experimentally. Thus, with aluminium and its alloys, the S–N curves
continue to fall with N throughout the range, although there is a levelling trend as
shown in Figure 2.25. Under these conditions, we typically design to a fatigue limit
equal to the stress level S for a life of 10
or 10
cycles. In other words, we
approximate the experimental curve by a horizontal straight line in the practical range
of N.
Estimates for the fa tigue limit
Ideally, we should use values for S
for the same material as in the component being
designed. However, in practice there are so many different alloys, with a correspond-
ing number of different heat treatments and production methods (all of which affect
the fatigue strength) that we are often unable to obtain appropriate data. More signif-
icantly, the exact choice of material and heat treatment will often not be made until
a fairly late stage in the design process, so it is useful to have a rough idea of what
values of S
to expect for a range of common materials.
A good rule of thumb is that the fatigue limit for a polished specimen will be
between a quarter and a half of the ultimate tensile strength for the same material. The
ultimate strength S
is the stress required to cause rupture of a tensile test specimen.
It can be significantly greater than the stress at first yield S
, due to the phenomenon
of work hardening. There is much more data available for tensile strength than for
fatigue limit and in the worst case we can always find S
by testing a specimen
ourselves — it is much easier to perform a single monotonic tensile test than to
conduct a series of fatigue tests.
For steels, Juvinall (1983) §8.3 suggests the relation
≈ 0.5S
≈0.25 × BHN (in ksi) ≈1.73 × BHN (in MPa), (2.73)
where BHN is the hardness value obtained in the Brinell hardness test and the prime
) in S
is used to indicate that this is the value obtained in a rotating bending test on
a standard polished specimen. Note however that S
for extremely hard steels levels
off at a value of about 100 ksi (700 MPa) and this value should be used if equation
(2.73) predicts a larger value.
A corresponding result for aluminium alloys is
≈ 0.4S
if S
< 48 ksi (330 MPa) (2.74)
≈ 19 ksi (130 MPa) if S
> 48 ksi (330 MPa). (2.75)