4 1 Introduction
is less obvious is that we all have this ability in some degree, because we have been
performing ‘experiments’ on engineering components continuously in our everyday
‘non-engineering’ life. Every time we sit in a chair, lean against a tree, break a cup
accidentally or blow up a balloon we are gaining experience about the strength and
the stiffness of mechanical devices.
Suppose you were confronted with a set of chairs made of diverse materials and
in different, perhaps rather bizarre, designs (You might include for example a card-
board carton standing on end, a piece of wood supported by pieces of string or thin
strips of rubber, or a bed sheet stretched between two supports). Without touching
any of the chairs, ask yourself the following questions:-
• Which ones are strong enough to support your weight without breaking?
• Which will deflect or deform the most when you sit on them?
• About how much will they deform — i.e. what will they look like when you are
sitting on them?
• Of those that will break, where will the fracture or other mode of failure occur?
• Of those that will not break, about how much extra load would be needed to make
them break (e.g. if someone is standing on your shoulders when you sit down,
will they break)?
Most people will be able to answer these questions with quite a high degree of re-
liability with no engineering training whatsoever. After all, the ability to answer them
is almost a condition of making one’s way through life without continually breaking
things or falling over! Engineering knowledge can even impose a cultural block be-
tween this experiential knowledge and the problem. If you ask a non-engineer how
much weight could be supported by a cardboard carton before it collapses, he/she,
having no other source of information, will give an experience-based estimate. By
contrast, the engineer is likely to spend a few hours searching in the library for cal-
culation methods for rectangular plates and may even, as a result of inappropriate
assumptions or erroneous calculations, give a totally implausible answer.
The successful design engineer is one who is able to use intuition and experience
as complementary to calculation in predicting performance. This skill can be culti-
vated by practice. Draw sketches of the proposed device from various perspectives
and then try to visualize how it will behave under loading. Try to develop the abil-
ity to run an imaginary video of the loading process in the mind’s eye and note in
particular which points have excessive deflection and where fracture or permanent
deformation occurs. You can improve this skill by performing simple experiments
on (disposable!) objects like packaging materials, disposable cups, beverage cans
etc. More complex ‘components’ can be made out of cardboard and paper.
Non-destructive tests can be performed on a wider range of objects to determine
the mode of deformation and the stiffness (i.e. the relation between force and dis-
placement). For example, push against a flat plate structure like a window pane or
the side of a filing cabinet, or sit on the hood of your car to see how far it deflects
downwards as a result of the suspension spring compression.
In each case, guess what will happen before you carry out the test. The purpose
of the excercise is not to find the answer to the problem, but rather to improve your