26 2 Material Behaviour and Failure
is based on the argument that failure is a localized process involving irreversible be-
haviour at a particular point in the component. The material in the immediate vicinity
of the failure site that participates in the process can only be influenced by local con-
ditions. A particle of material embedded in a beam has no way of knowing whether
the tensile stresses it experiences are the result of bending or tensile loading and
therefore the tensile stress at failure will be the same for both modes of loading.
Thus, differences in global loading conditions can only influence the material be-
haviour insofar as they influence local conditions. Stresses are arguably the most
important determinant of material failure, but other local quantities can be signif-
icant. For example, the yield stress may be temperature-dependent, in which case
local temperature will feature in the yield criterion.
For a simple loading geometry, the failure load can be determined by comparison
with experimental results that produce a similar state of stress. For example, if a bar
is loaded in bending, the stress state is one of uniaxial tension and the behaviour of
the component can therefore be predicted using the results of uniaxial tensile tests.
In particular, plastic deformation will be predicted when the tensile stress reaches the
yield stress S
for the material.
However, many engineering components are subjected to more complex states of
stress involving both normal and shear components. The most general state of stress
involves six independent stress components — three normal stresses
shear stresses
. In principle, we might carry out tests to determine
the conditions at failure under all possible combinations of these components, but in
practice the experimental effort required would be enormous and the presentation of
the data would require volumes of tables or graphs. To put this in perspective, note
that, if failure depended on a single parameter (such as the maximum tensile stress),
one experiment would suffice to determine it and the results could be presented as a
single numerical value. If there were two parameters, the results could be presented
as a graph or as a column of values. Three parameters requires a family of graphs
or a table. Imagine what we would need to present results with six independent pa-
rameters! In this section, we shall examine ways of reducing the complexity of the
problem, using a variety of arguments, assumptions and approximations. However,
we must first review the relations between stress components in different coordinate
systems, in order to determine the most efficient way of characterizing a given state
of stress.
2.1 Transformation of stresses
If the six stress components are known in a given Cartesian coordinate system x,y,z,
we can determine the corresponding components at the same point in a new system
by writing equilibrium equations for an appropriate infinitesimal element of
Strictly there are six shear stress components, but they are equal in complementary pairs
— i.e.
etc., as discussed in §1.5.1.