2.2 Failure theories for isotropic materials 39
This process is known as fatigue and will be discussed in more detail in §2.3 be-
low. For the rest of this section, we shall restrict attention to failure under monotonic
The three-dimensional failure envelope
The ideas of the previous section are easily extended to the case where all three
principal stresses can be non-zero. For this purpose, we need to imagine a three-
dimensional graph in which
define the three axes. Loading scenarios will
again correspond to lines in this three-dimensional space and failure points can be
joined to define a closed surface such that all points inside the surface correspond to
safe states of stress and all points outside the surface are unsafe.
2.2.2 The shape of the failure envelope
So far we have discussed ways of presenting data about the failure of materials under
general states of stress, but we have not given any indication of the form the failure
criterion is likely to take. In other words, what shape would we expect the failure
envelope to have? Many authors have proposed theories of how materials might be
expected to behave, but ultimately the question can only be answered by performing
appropriate experiments. Notice however that we can draw one further conclusion
from the isotropy of the material, which is that failure cannot depend on the order
of the three stresses
. For example, if failure occurs at the point (a,b,c) it
must also occur at (b,a,c). It follows that the curve in Figure 2.7 must be symmetrical
about the 45
and additional symmetries of the same kind apply in the
three-dimensional envelope.
2.2.3 Ductile failure (yielding)
To proceed further, we need to consider separately the cases of ductile and brittle
materials, since they differ qualitatively in mechanism and behaviour.
Ductile materials suffer irreversible plastic deformation before fracture occurs.
Whether this constitutes failure depends on the specific design application, so to
avoid confusion, we shall refer to ductile failure as yielding and the corresponding
failure surface as the yield surface. Thus, if a component is loaded such that the
stress in some region passes outside the yield surface, it will not return to its original
state on unloading. A simplistic model of the distinction between elastic and plastic
deformation can be developed from atomic theory.
Consider first a sphere resting on an undulating surface as in Figure 2.8 (a). When
unloaded, the sphere will rest at the bottom of the groove. Application of a horizontal
force will cause the sphere to move as shown in Figure 2.8 (b), but if the force is re-
moved slowly, the sphere will return to the bottom of the groove. This is an analogue
of elastic deformation. However, if a sufficiently large force is applied, the sphere
will be pushed over into the next groove and it will remain there even if the force is