88 2 Material Behaviour and Failure
Further reading
Stress transformation and t heories of failure
A.P. Boresi, R.J. Schmidt, and O.M. Sidebottom (1993), Advanced Mechanics of
Materials, John Wiley, New York, 5th edn., Chapters 2,4.
J.E. Gordon (1968), The New Science of Strong Materials, Princeton University
Press, Princeton NJ.
F.A. McClintock and A.S. Argon (1966), Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Addison-
Wesley, Reading MA.
Fracture mechanics
M.F. Kanninen and C.H. Popelar (1985), Advanced Fracture Mechanics, Clarendon
Press, Oxford.
H. Leibowitz, ed. (1971), Fracture, An Advanced Treatise, 7 Vols., Academic Press,
New York.
Stress intensity factors and stress concentration factors
R.E. Peterson (1974), Stress Concentration Factors, John Wiley, New York.
W.D. Pilkey (1994), Formulas for Stress, Strain and Structural Matrices, John Wiley,
New York.
R.J. Roark and W.C. Young (1975), Formulas for Stress and Strain, McGraw-Hill,
New York, 5th edn. (Stress concentration factors only).
G.C. Sih (1973), Handbook of Stess Intensity Factors, Inst. of Fracture and Solid
Mechanics, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA.
Fatigue failure
J.A. Collins (1981), Failure of Materials in Mechanical Design, Wiley, New York.
R.C. Juvinall (1967), Stress, Strain and Strength, McGraw-Hill, New York.
R.C. Juvinall (1983), Fundamentals of Machine Component Design, Wiley, New
York, Chapter 8.
J.E. Shigley and L.D. Mitchell (1983), Mechanical Engineering Design, McGraw-
Hill, New York, 4th edn., Chapter 7.
Section 2.1
2.1. The stress at a point is defined by the components
= −80 MPa,
= 10
= 20 MPa. Sketch the corresponding Mohr’s circle and hence find
the maximum in-plane shear stress and the orientation of the planes on which it acts.