Ball, M. J., Fife, J., Poppe, E. and Rowland, J. (eds) (1990) (henceforth Ball et al. (1990)) Celtic
Linguistics, Amsterdam- Philadelphia; John Benjamins.
Bothorel, A. (1982) Étude phonétique et phonologique du breton parlé à Argol (Finistère- Sud),
Strasbourg, thèse d’État.
Brittany’s Borders. Online: (accessed 10
March 2006).
Davalan, N. (2000- 2001- 2002) Brezhoneg – Méthode de breton: hentenn oulpann I– III, Rennes:
Skol An Emsav (each with a CD) (the fourth volume is in progress).
Denez, P. (1971) Kentelioù brezhonek: eil derez, Brest: Al Liamm.
—— (1972) Brezhoneg buan hag aes – le breton vite et facilement, Paris: Omnivox (with cassettes
and additional materials; English edition by Raymond Delaporte (1977), Cork: Cork University
—— (1975) ‘Hag adarre . . . an doare- skrivañ!’, supplement to Hor Yezh, 99, pp. 1–30.
—— (1978) ‘Un notenn diwar- benn an doare da aroueziañ an distagadur’, Hor Yezh, 119, p. 30.
—— (1980) ‘Notennoù fonologie[r]zh’, Hor Yezh, 130, pp. 3–28.
—— (1983a) ‘An dibersonel’, Hor Yezh, 151, pp. 5–29.
Denez, P. and Urien, J.- Y. (1980) ‘Studiadenn war an niver- daou’, Hor Yezh. 126, pp. 3–26.
Desbordes, Y. (1976), ‘Notennoù yezhadur’, Hor Yezh, 111, pp. 1–61 (the whole issue is taken up by
this article; see also Kervella (1978), Desbordes (1978), and Urien (1978)).
—— (1978) ‘Respont da Frañsez Kervella’, Hor Yezh, 119, pp. 31–5.
—— (1983) Petite grammaire du breton moderne, Lesneven: Mouladurioù Hor Yezh (1st edition).
—— (1990) Petite grammaire du breton moderne, Lesneven: Mouladurioù Hor Yezh (2nd edition).
E brezhoneg pa gari! Le Breton, version multimedia (2000) Stumdi (2 volumes on DVD – the user
may work in English or in French).
Ernault, É. (1895–6) Glossaire moyen- breton, I– II (2nd edition), Paris: Bouillon (reprinted Geneva:
Slatkine, 1976).
Evans, C. and Fleuriot, L. (1985) A Dictionary of Old Breton. Dictionnaire du vieux breton. Histori-
cal and Comparative, I– II, Toronto: Prepcorp.
Falc’hun, F. (1951) Le systeme consonantique du breton, avec une étude comparative de phonétique
expérimentale, Rennes: Plihon.
—— (1962) ‘Le Breton, forme moderne du gaulois’, Annales de Bretagne, 69, pp. 413–28.
—— (1963) Histoire de la langue bretonne d’après la géographie linguistique, I– II (2nd edition),
Paris: Presses Universitaires de France (a revision and expansion of his 1951 doctoral thesis; also
as Perspectives noouvelles sur l’histoire de la langue bretonne, Paris: Union générale d’éditions,
Favereau, F. (1993) Bretagne contemporaine: langue, culture, identité, Morlaix: Skol Vreizh.
—— (1997a) Geriadur ar brezhoneg a- vremañ (latest edition consulted), Morlaix: Skol Vreizh.
—— (1997b) Grammaire du breton contemporain (latest edition consulted), Morlaix: Skol Vreizh.
Fleuriot, L. (1964a) Le vieux- breton: élements d’une grammaire, Paris: Klincksieck.
—— (1964b) Dictionnair
e des gloses en vieux- breton, Paris: Klincksieck, 1964.
—— (1980) Les origines de la Bretagne, Paris: Payot (reprinted 1999).
—— (1983) ‘Les Réformes du breton’, in Fodor and Hagège (1983), pp. 27–47.
Fodor, I. and Hagège, C. (eds) (1983) Language Reform – La Réforme des langues – Sprachreform.
Vol. II, Hamburg: Buske.
Gaucher, J. (1998) La Bretagne de A à Z. L’essentiel pour comprendre ce qui nourrit l’âme, la
culture et l’unité de ce pays, Spézet: COOP Breizh.
Gros, J. (1977) Le Trésor du breton parlé (Éléments de stylistique trégorroise), Deuxième partie, Lan-
nion: Giraudon (the other parts, viz. Le langage fi guré, I, St- Brieuc: Les Presses bretonnes, 1970,
and Le style populaire, III, Brest: Mesidou or Lannion: Barr Heol, 1976 were not available to me).
Guillevic, A. and Le Goff, P. (1902) Grammaire bretonne du dialecte de Vannes, Vannes: Lafolye.
—— (1904) Vocabulaire breton–français du dialecte de Vannes, Vannes: Lafolye.
Hammer, F. (1969) ‘Der bretonische Dialekt von Plouharnel’, dissertation, Kiel University.
Hardie, D. W. F. (1948) A Handbook of Modern Breton (Armorican), Cardiff: University of Wales