Pickering series 31
Pierce, Charles Sanders 110
pion-kaon pairs 268
pions (pi-mesons) 204, 205, 206, 209,
215, 239
decay of neutral 257, 259, 260
and kaon decay 249
Planck, Max 7–16, 17, 35, 104, 115
correspondence with Einstein 24
discovery of photons 289
Nobel Prize 34n
personality 10–12
plea to Hitler 142
‘quantum of action’ xiv, 15–16, 29
Planck length 364, 389, 397
Planck scales 394, 394
Planck time 365, 397
Planck’s constant (h) 12, 15, 17, 23n,
29, 31, 38n, 49, 56, 91, 124, 134,
, 36
Planck’s equation (e=hn) 15–16, 23, 99
Planck’s radiation law 11 Fig 2, 12–13,
14–16, 17, 20, 21, 24, 29, 82–3, 286,
Plato’s cave allegory 234, 237, 355
Pocono conference 181–2, 183
Podolsky, Boris 142, 145, 151
Poisson, Siméon 50
Politzer, David 262
position-momentum commutation
relation 49, 50, 89, 91–3
position-momentum uncertainty 98–9,
100, 143–4, 147
positivism 107–8, 110
positrons 141–2
Powell, Cecil 204
pragmatism 110
Princeton Institute for Advanced
Study 142, 149, 176, 189, 190, 199,
201, 206, 257, 298, 365, 368, 369, 393
Princeton University 261, 297, 318, 363,
370, 374, 385, 387, 389
Principia Mathematica (Newton) 1–2
Pringsheim, Ernst 10
Born’s probability waves 73–8, 102,
116, 129
and entropy 13–14
Feynman and 178, 185
Pauli and 88–9
quantum vs. classical 77, 303–4
Proceedings of the Royal Society 60, 132
‘projection postulate’ 148
proton accelerators 238
proton-anti-proton collision 267–9
8–9, 281–3, 285–6
anti-proton beams 278–9, 280
proton-neutron interactions 199–200
proton-proton collisions 408
proton structure xvi, 239–40, 241–2
parton model 243–5
quark model 240, 245–6
protons 205, 206, 214, 216, 287
baryon and lepton numbers 215
conversion from neutrons in
beta-decay 207, 212, 223, 289
Eightfold Way 218, 219 Fig 12
and ‘electron holes’ 133–4
quark composition 222, 245, 256,
stability 381
structure 239–42
Prussian Academy of Science 24, 361
quantum chromodynamics (QCD) xvi,
260–3, 265, 385,
antum computers 384, 384n
quantum electrodynamics (QED) xv,
172, 175, 179–80, 181–92, 198, 201,
242–3, 306, 376
quantum entanglement 151, 300–1, 332
and ‘disconnectivity’ 341
experimental studies 318–27, 335–8,
macroscopic 347
quantum erasers xvii
delayed choice 333–5, 337–8
experimental realization 335–8
thought experiments 330–5, 335
Fig 25