the quantum story
16: A Bolt from the Blue
142 ‘A new kind of particle, unknown to experimental physics . . .’, Paul Dirac, Pro-
ceedings of the Royal Society, A133, 1931, pp. 60–72. Quoted in Kragh, Dirac, p. 103.
143 ‘If, without in any way disturbing a system, we can predict with certainty . . .’,
Albert Einstein, Boris Podolsky, Nathan Rosen, Physical Review. 47, 1935,
pp. 777–780. Reproduced in Wheeler and Zurek, pp. 138–141. This quote
appears on p. 138.
144 ‘No reasonable defi nition of reality could be expected to permit this’, Albert
Einstein, Boris Podolsky, Nathan Rosen, Physical Review. 47, 1935, pp. 777–
780. Reproduced in Wheeler and Zurek, p. 141.
145 ‘While we have thus shown that the wave function does not provide a com-
plete description of physical reality . . .’, Albert Einstein, Boris Podolsky,
Nathan Rosen, Physical Review. 47, 1935, pp. 777–780. Reproduced in Wheeler
and Zurek, p. 141.
145 ‘Is not a complete theory . . .’, and subsequent quotations, The New York Times,
4 May 1935, p. 11. Quoted in Jammer, pp. 189-90.
145 ‘This onslaught came down upon us as a bolt from the blue . . .’, Léon Rosenfeld,
in Stefan Rozenthal (ed.), Niels Bohr: His Life and Work as Seen by his Friends and
Colleagues, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1967, pp. 114–
136. Extract reproduced
in Wheeler and Zurek, pp. 137 and
142–143. This quote appears on p. 142.
146 ‘Now we have to start all over again . . .’, Paul Dirac, interview with Niels
Bohr, 17 November 1962, Archive for the History of Quantum Physics. Quoted in
Beller, p. 145.
146 ‘They do it “smartly”, but what counts is to do it right’, Léon Rosenfeld,
in Stefan Rozenthal (ed.), Niels Bohr: His Life and Work as Seen by his Friends
and Colleagues, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1967, pp. 114–136. Extract repro-
duced in Wheeler and Zurek, p. 142.
146 ‘It is shown that a certain ‘criterion of physical reality’ formulated in a recent
article with the above title . . .’, Niels Bohr, Physical Review. 48, 1935, 696–702.
Reproduced in Wheeler and Zurek, pp. 145–151. This quote appears on p. 145.
146 ‘From our point of view we now see that the wording of the above-men-
tioned criterion of physical reality . . .’, Niels Bohr, Physical Review. 48, 1935,
696–702. Reproduced in Wheeler and Zurek, p. 145.
17: The Paradox of Schrödinger’s Cat
149 ‘[Schrödinger’s departure] is all the more to be regretted . . .’, Deutsche Zei-
tung, 24 October 1933. Quoted in Moore, p. 276–277.