the quantum story
Another approach emerged in the early 1970s from theorists in the Soviet Union
and was independently rediscovered in 1973 by CERN physicists Julius Wess and Bruno
Zumino. This was called supersymmetry. It featured ‘super-multiplets’ of particles which,
for the fi rst time, connected the matter particles—fermions—with the bosons that car-
ried forces between them. It also proliferated more particles. For every fermion, the theory
predicted a corresponding boson. This meant that for every particle in the standard model,
the theory required a massive supersymmetric partner with a spin different by ½. The
partner for the electron was called the selectron (a shortening of supersymmetric-electron).
Quarks are partnered by squarks. Supersymmetric partners of the photon, W, and Z par-
ticles are the photino, wino, and zino. These particles may exist at the TeV energy scale,
but to date they have not been found.
In supersymmetry, a ‘super-gauge’ particle acting on a target fermion or boson changes
the spin of the target particle by ½. This kind of change affects the space–time properties of
the target particle, such that it is slightly displaced.
Forces such as electromagnetism can-
not do this. They can change the direction of motion, momentum, and energy of the par-
ticle but they cannot displace it in space–time in this way. This displacement is equivalent
to a gauge transformation characteristic of the gravitational force. A super-gauge theory is
also therefore a theory of gravity. Such theories are collectively called supergravity, and the
super-gauge particle is the gravitino, with spin ³⁄
, the super-partner of the graviton.
There are many different types of supersymmetric transformation, and theories with
more than one transformation are called extended supersymmetric theories. These theo-
ries are classifi ed according to the number of supersymmetry ‘generators’ they posses. The-
ories with 32 generators, called N = 8 supersymmetry, automatically produce gravitons.
They are also theories of supergravity.
For a time, theories of N = 8 supergravity were very popular. In April 1980, Stephen
Hawking used his inaugural lecture as Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge,
a position once held by Newton and Dirac, to declare that the end of physics was in sight.
He believed that there was a 50:50 chance that N = 8 supergravity would prove to be the
ultimate unifying theory for all physical forces.
But there was yet another approach. It had lurked in the background, largely ignored or
dismissed. Yet it would soon overtake all these efforts, to become the dominant candidate
as the theory of everything.
Actually, a supersymmetry transformation is equivalent to the square-root of an infi nitesi-
mal translation in space.
Theories with more than 32 generators are possible but predict massless particles with spin
greater than 2, which are thought not to exist in nature.