the quantum story
on general relativity, the canonical approach emphasizes the geometry of
space–time and the (quantum) dynamics of objects moving within this
geometry. The covariant approach emphasizes the quantum fi eld and the
graviton as force carrier. Although some theorists acknowledged the bene-
fi ts of pursuing multiple lines of research, the great conceptual divisions and
lack of common ground between these approaches was already ominous.
Work on the canonical approach had led to some puzzling results. Gen-
eral relativity demands that space and time be treated on an equal footing
and there is no absolute space–time coordinate system—all coordinate
systems are arbitrary. In general relativity there is no meaningful ‘here’ and
‘there’ or ‘now’ and ‘then’. The theory rather deals with space–time intervals.
Differences in time enter the theory as ct, the time interval multiplied
by the speed of light, which has the same units as a distance interval. Once
entered, the time dimension becomes in principle indistinguishable from
the three spatial dimensions in a four-dimensional space–time.
However, what Dirac discovered is that in his constrained Hamiltonian
reformulation of general relativity the dynamics are governed by only three
of the four dimensions. ‘This result,’ he declared, ‘has led me to doubt how
fundamental the four-dimensional requirement in physics is.’ The three
dimensions, called a three-space, hold all the information about the geo-
metrical relationships between masses and, to all intents and purposes,
look like three spatial dimensions. Space–time had been unpicked, and
although time had not exactly disappeared in this reformulation, it had
become rather mysterious and elusive.
In fact, time had become the result
of the changing geometrical relationships between material objects.
In 1961, Misner, together with Americans Richard Arnowitt and Stanley
Deser, published a greatly simplifi ed elaboration of the constrained
In fact, space–time intervals are given by
where d is the difference in spatial
coordinates (simplifi ed here to one dimension), t is the time difference, and c is the speed of
light. This means that some intervals can be imaginary (i.e. they are multiplied by i, the square-
root of −1), and this is a characteristic ‘signature’ of a time interval. For example, the space–time
interval between your current position and this same position in fi ve minutes’ time is roughly
90i million kilometres.
Of course, the nature of time has been the subject of intense debate among philosophers
for centuries. Deep questions concerning the implications of both special and general relativity
for our understanding of time had rumbled virtually from the moment the theories had been
written down.