the quantum story
eraser experiment. They reported their results in a paper submitted to
Physical Review Letters in July 1995.
In fact, the physicists produced two pairs of vertically polarized
photons using type-I parametric down-conversion. One pair, consist-
ing of photons with wavelengths in the red and near-infrared regions
of the spectrum, was produced in a fi rst pass of laser light through the
crystalline material. We will call this path A. The second photon pair,
with identical wavelengths, was produced by refl ecting the laser light
back through the crystal for a second pass. We call this path B. The
pair generated by the fi rst pass was also refl ected back into the crystal,
with the end result that the photon pairs created by direct (fi rst pass) or
refl ected (second pass) laser beams could no longer be distinguished.
The result was interference, detectable as ‘fringes’ in the rates of
detection both the red and near-infrared photons as a function of the
differences in the paths they had taken through the apparatus. In effect,
the two sources of photon pairs (fi rst pass and second pass) acted like
two slits in the classical interference experiment.
With this arrangement, interference could be observed so long as no
attempt was made to identify which path the photons were following,
and hence identifying their source—fi rst pass or second pass (and, by
analogy, identifying which ‘slit’ they had passed through).
However, which-way information could be simply obtained by, for
example, changing the polarization of the fi rst-pass near-infrared
photons from vertical to horizontal and placing a polarizing analyser
in front of the detector. The nature of the photon polarization then
revealed what kind of photon it was—fi rst pass or second pass—and
therefore what path it had taken—path A or path B. Obtaining such
which-way information for the near-infrared photons implied equiva-
lent which-way information for the red photons, too. The end result was
that interference in both red and near-infrared photon detection rates
This which-way information could then be erased simply by rotat-
ing the analyser to an angle of 45°, preventing the possibility of learn-
ing the polarization orientation of the near-infrared photons and hence
identifying which path they had taken. This arrangement was suffi cient
to restore interference in the near-infrared photon detection rate and in