the quantum story
Suppose that this molecule is broken apart in a process that pre-
serves the total angular momentum to produce two equivalent atomic
fragments. The hydrogen molecule is split into two hydrogen atoms.
These atoms move apart but the spin orientations of the electrons in the
individual atoms remain opposed—one spin-up and one spin-down.
The spins of the atoms are therefore correlated. Measurement of the spin
of one atom (say atom A) in some arbitrary laboratory frame allows us
to predict, with certainty, the direction of the spin of atom B in the same
frame. We might be tempted to conclude that the spins of the two atoms
are determined by the nature of the initial molecular quantum state and
the method by which the molecule is fragmented. The atoms move away
from each other with their spins fi xed in unknown but opposite orien-
tations and the measurement merely tells us what these orientations are.
But this is not how quantum theory deals with the situation. The two
atoms are instead described by a single wavefunction until the moment
of measurement. The atoms are entangled. If we choose to measure the
component of the spin of atom A along the laboratory z-axis, for exam-
ple, our observation that the wavefunction collapses into a state in which
atom A has its spin orientation aligned in the +z-direction (say) means
that atom B must have its spin orientation aligned in the −z-direction.
However, what if we choose, instead, to measure the x- or y-components
of the spin of atom A? No matter which component is measured, the
physics demand that the spins of the atoms must still be correlated, and
so the opposite results must always be obtained for atom B. If we accept
the defi nition of physical reality offered by Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen,
then we must conclude that all components of the spin of atom B are ele-
ments of reality, since it appears that we can predict them with certainty
without in any way disturbing B.
However, the wavefunction specifi es only one spin component, associated
with the magnetic spin quantum number m
. This is because the operators
corresponding to the three components of the spin orientation in Cartesian
(x, y, z) coordinates do not commute (the components are complementary
observables). So, either the wavefunction is incomplete, or Einstein, Podolsky ,
and Rosen’s defi nition of physical reality is inapplicable.
The Copenhagen interpretation says that no spin component of atom
B ‘exists’ until a measurement is made on atom A. The result we obtain