the standard model
quark, turning the neutron into a proton, with the emission of a W
ticle. The W
particle then decays into an electron and an anti-neutrino.
Mixing via weak-force interactions allows transitions between up and
strange quarks, and between down and charm quarks. This mixing is char-
acterized by another angle, known as the Cabibbo angle, named for Italian
physicist Nicola Cabibbo, with a measured value of about 13°. Further mixing
allows transitions between up and bottom, down and top, charm and bot-
tom, and strange and top quarks. This is a generalization of Cabibbo mixing,
called CKM mixing after Cabibbo and Japanese physicists Makoto Kobayashi
and Toshihide Maskawa. The CKM ‘matrix’ is characterized by three angles.
The measured mixing angle between fi rst- and third-generation quarks is
about 0.2°. The measured angle for mixing second- and third-generation
quarks is about 2.4°. A fourth ‘angle’ refl ects the relative phase of the coupling
between the quarks and is related to CP violation in weak-force decays.
Finally, the electromagnetic force, experienced between electrically
charged particles, is mediated by massless spin-1 gauge bosons. These
are the photons, fi rst discovered by Planck in 1900 and championed by
Einstein in his ‘miracle year’, fi ve years later.
Lurking somewhat mysteriously beneath this formalism is the Higgs
fi eld, which pervades the vacuum and fi lls the universe. Interactions
between massless particles and the Higgs fi eld (or Higgs ‘condensate’)
endow the particles with mass. The amount of mass acquired refl ects the
extent of the coupling between the particles and the fi eld. The particle
of the Higgs fi eld is the spin-0 Higgs boson, which has been elevated in
the Standard Model to the status of a ‘God particle’, responsible for the
masses of all the particles.
‘The Higgs particle itself has never been detected,’ wrote ‘t Hooft in
1995, ‘but its fi e l d is being felt everywhere. If the Higgs were not there, our
model would have so much symmetry that all particles would look alike;
there would be too little differentiation.’
The Standard Model is a triumph of theoretical and experimental
physics. ‘t Hooft summarized the theory as follows:
It should be noted, however, that interaction with the Higgs fi eld is not the only source of
what we recognize to be mass. In fact, 99 per cent of the mass of protons and neutrons is derived
from the energy of the gluon fi elds that bind their constituent quarks together. In their turn,
protons and neutrons account for 99 per cent of the mass of every atom.