intermediate vector bosons
bosons of the weak force was still rather circumstantial. These force car-
riers were predicted by the renormalizable, spontaneously broken SU(2)
× U(1) quantum fi eld theory of the weak and electromagnetic forces,
augmented by a Higgs fi eld which gave the particles their mass.
Indirect evidence for the existence of the W and Z particles had been
obtained through observation of weak-force decays and of weak neutral
currents. None of these observations made any sense without these par-
ticles. They just had to be there. But, in experimental physics, seeing is
believing. In order to bolt the SU(2) × U(1) electro-weak theory fi rmly
into its place within the Standard Model it would be fi rst necessary to see
the W and Z particles directly. To put this in perspective: there had been
no Nobel Prize for fi nding weak neutral currents. There would certainly
be a Nobel Prize for whoever could fi nd the intermediate vector bosons.
In his Nobel Prize lecture, Weinberg had explained that the electro-
weak theory predicted masses for the W and Z particles which depend
on a weak force ‘mixing angle’, q
. For the W
particles, Weinberg pre-
dicted masses equal to about 40 GeV/sinq
. For the Z
, the mass was
predicted to be about 80 GeV/sin2q
. Later in his lecture he referred to
experimental estimates for sin
of 0.23±0.01, corresponding to a mix-
ing angle of about 29°. This fi gure puts the masses of the W
particles at
about 83 GeV and the Z
at 94 GeV.
In mass terms, the W and Z particles
are about as heavy as the nucleus of a strontium atom.
CERN’s Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) was a 6.9 kilometre circum-
ference proton accelerator commissioned in June 1976. It was originally
specifi ed as a 300 GeV accelerator but constructed to generate particle
energies of 400 GeV. A month before its commissioning, it had been
outpaced by the proton accelerator at Fermilab, which had reached
500 GeV.
But the problem was that these were accelerators, not colliders. Despite
such high accelerated particle energies, smashing particles into station-
ary targets results in substantial energy wastage. Only particles with
The mixing angle q
(also referred to as the Weinberg angle) relates the masses of the W
and Z particles according to the expression cosq
= M
, where M
is the mass of the W
particles and M
is the mass of the Z
. The mixing angle varies with collision energy. An angle
of 29° suggests this ratio is about 0.875.